Hand Feeding adult Quaker

Can you ask your vet to add nystatin to treat yeast? Its cheap easy to give in syringe they can call it unto your human pharmacy and yiu can pick up there.

Food falling out, I had with. Yeast overgrowth in crop. Plus you could be dealing with a respiratory fungal infection.

Ginger is a fighter! And you are giving her every chance ! She is at the elderly range of her life. And sometimes there us only so much we can do.
But sometimes a second opinion brings piece of mind or new options.
Can you seek a second avian veterinarian from a different practice?
Can you ask your vet to add nystatin to treat yeast? Its cheap easy to give in syringe they can call it unto your human pharmacy and yiu can pick up there.

Food falling out, I had with. Yeast overgrowth in crop. Plus you could be dealing with a respiratory fungal infection.

Ginger is a fighter! And you are giving her every chance ! She is at the elderly range of her life. And sometimes there us only so much we can do.
But sometimes a second opinion brings piece of mind or new options.
Can you seek a second avian veterinarian from a different practice?
I have good news! Ginger ate 17 1/2 ml of baby formula and 3 ml of unsweetened applesauce (doctor approved). One of her medications is Intrafungal. They suspect she has a respiratory infection.
She is more active today which is another plus. Her breathing is also getting better. Less tail bobbing. (It is so weird how one day she can be sooo bad off then the next it's almost like a 180, not that I'm complaining.) 😃

We only have one other avian vet in the area and she is out until the 15th of February. If Ginger is not showing more improvement by then, I will call her as she has seen Ginger as well.
This has definately been a roller coaster. Up and down. Up and down. But it looks like she's on the up right now!
She is my little fighter for sure. ❤
Thank you again for your kind and very helpful words.
Oh happy news!!!!
You know, Penny had a lot of ups and downs too, your post jogged my memory. But let's hope this is Gingers turning point!!!

People get scared off by sick burds threads, they don't have ideas to help, and we all get sad when anyone's burds are sick.

I can promise you tge forum members care and many probably watch your thread.
I wish they would drop in and share their love.

But I'm always lurking lately. ;) and I care so much! I'm naming myself Auntie Laura to Ginger, and claiming Penny is her sister

Get better Ginger!!!
Oh happy news!!!!
You know, Penny had a lot of ups and downs too, your post jogged my memory. But let's hope this is Gingers turning point!!!

People get scared off by sick burds threads, they don't have ideas to help, and we all get sad when anyone's burds are sick.

I can promise you tge forum members care and many probably watch your thread.
I wish they would drop in and share their love.

But I'm always lurking lately. ;) and I care so much! I'm naming myself Auntie Laura to Ginger, and claiming Penny is her sister

Get better Ginger!!!
So Ginger was doing really good. Then on Friday around 9 pm she started having seizures. They were almost constant and lasted until 3 am. I thought I was going to lose her. Was heart breaking to watch her and there was nothing I could do. On Saturday morning, she was twiching her wing quite a bit. The after effects of the seizures.
Saturday she ate very well. Her weight was down some so happy she ate. The wing twitches also stopped by the early afternoon. She is getting some electrolytes as I have been mixing some in with her food.
I could not get a hold of the vet during this time. I will be calling them tomorrow morning.
Today she seems to be doing really good again. She has had 16 ml of baby bird food so far.
I don't think I've ever cried so much since my Mom passed. To see her go through that was so hard. Words can not even begin to descibe seeing her like that. I am so thankful she made it through. She is such a strong willed little girl (maybe boy).
I am praying that, that does not happen anymore.
Oh no. That is terrifying @
Oh my heart aches for both of you.
Ginger is a fighter! And you
are fighting hard for her!
Definitely need to see what veterinarian thinks.

How many ml at a time and how often?
How much did she loose?
I am late to this thread, but I'm praying that Ginger is doing better. I'm so sorry for what you're going through, and your love for Ginger is so obvious. She is so lucky to have you. No one could do a better job that you are doing for her, and I know that she feels your love with every touch.
I'm so hoping for a good update.
Hello. I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner. Ginger is still doing great! She was doing a few wing twitches today, so I worried a little. That only lasted for a minute. Just a twitch. Not seizure.
She is no longer breathing heavy like she was. She was 115 grams when this all started. She is now at 105. She was eating the baby food 3 to 4 times a day. She is now starting to eat her pellets and veggies again with no issues. I still offer her some baby bird food as it has alot of good nutrients. She's not real keen on it as she does love her Birds Bistro mix. She is also drinking her water. Which she did not want to do 3 days ago.
Everything is going in the right direction!!!
The vet said to keep doing what I am doing. Ginger will have a follow up in 2 weeks unless God forbid, something happens.
I am feeling so happy with her progress. For a while there It didn't look so good.
Now the light at the end of the tunnel is shining bright! 😁
Oh I'm sooo thrilled!!!!!! What fantastic news!!!! I've been so worried!

This is great progress !! You have been a great nurse and a warrior!

Great job Ginger, you keep getting stronger!

Happy dance 💃
Oh I'm sooo thrilled!!!!!! What fantastic news!!!! I've been so worried!

This is great progress !! You have been a great nurse and a warrior!

Great job Ginger, you keep getting stronger!

Happy dance 💃
Thank you!!! Ginger thanks you too!!! It is such a relief to see how much she has improved! I'll post again of anything changes and/or after she sees her doctor.
Finding this forum has really helped us alot! ❤
Thank you!!! Ginger thanks you too!!! It is such a relief to see how much she has improved! I'll post again of anything changes and/or after she sees her doctor.
Finding this forum has really helped us alot! ❤
I wanted to give a update. Ginger did well for about a week and a half. Then she started declining again. Lots of ups and downs. Fast forward to today...
Ginger had not been eating, drinking and her breathing was getting alot worse. Her and I both tried so hard to get her better. I had to make the decision to let her suffer or to let her go to sleep one last time. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I miss her so much already. Life will never be the same without her. I can tell my other quaker Ivis is wondering where Ginger is.... 😭
Thank you all for the support you provided to us when we needed it most. ❤
I am so very sorry for your loss, and for Ivis' loss.
You did everything you could for Ginger, and my heart breaks for you.
.Letting them go is the very last act of love we can give them, and I know she felt that.
Once again, I am just so sorry. Fly free and pain free, Ginger, you will be always remembered and always missed.
oh I'm so sorry to read this. You gave her everything , and the best care and love possible.

And then you stepped and did the kindest and most difficult gift of love we caregiver have to face. Ginger gave it her all for you, but her body was tired, it was time.

My heart goes out to you.
I am so very sorry for your loss, and for Ivis' loss.
You did everything you could for Ginger, and my heart breaks for you.
.Letting them go is the very last act of love we can give them, and I know she felt that.
Once again, I am just so sorry. Fly free and pain free, Ginger, you will be always remembered and always missed.
Thank you Terry57.
oh I'm so sorry to read this. You gave her everything , and the best care and love possible.

And then you stepped and did the kindest and most difficult gift of love we caregiver have to face. Ginger gave it her all for you, but her body was tired, it was time.

My heart goes out to you.
Thank you Laurasea. I miss her so much.

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