Guess what I'm getting...


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Durham, UK.
My birds: Skyler/Sky, violet Indian Ringneck. Mother's birds: Norman, African Grey and Mildred, Blue Crowned Conure.
A Very Rare Blue Throated Conure.

I will be getting it in a few weeks hand-reared from a breeder.

So it looks like I will now be getting TWO birds in a few weeks.

I wasn't planning on getting two more birds, but I'm glad to be getting them both anyway.

I was going to just get a Ringneck, but I couldn't miss out on getting a bird as rare as this too, so I decided to just get both. :rolleyes:
Ill have to look them up :) That's how I ended up with all these birds :) I would be waiting for one to wean then come across another:)
oh how exciting!

can't wait to see pictures
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There will be lots of photos when I get them. :D

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