Greys and children/families

We had a Timneh and he was a great companion... for ME only. He was a one person bird. When grandkids came along, he would not allow them to even touch him. He died earlier this year and we also did research before picking our next avian companion. We went with a Green Cheek Conure. She is very social and can be trusted with our 5 year old grand daughter. Hope this helps.
Greys are fascinating and I don't blame you one bit for wanting one. My suggestion would be,since you want the bird to at least accept everyone, to find a great breeder and get a young one that will be socialized to your family. Rescuing is a great option as well but a huge commitment and must be entered into with eyes wide open. Spend time studying the dos and donts and go for it.
Sarah was seven when I brought Tusk home... (She's 19 now.)

The difference is that she has grown up with birds, and has quite literally handled everything from lovebirds to Hyacinths. So she understood how to handle him.

CAGS get handled on their own terms. They have a comfort zone. You gradually expand their horizons as you work with them, and expand that comfort zone. They do best when you teach them and introduce them to things.
I have located a breeder who has a LOT of hands on with his babies. I figured a younger bird would be better since it would give everyone an opportunity to bond with it, and help him/her to adjust to us all.

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