Hey Plax, A while back they did a bunch of juggling of what species were included in what based on DNA similarities. I think I remember they were taking the Hy off of the macaw species or some foolishness like that. Hys ARE a bit different than the rest of the macaws with truly yellow skin and laid out differently, but they were saying something that Hys lack the preen gland on their back that other macaws get oil to waterproof their feathers. My macaws emit an odor, moreso in winter, that smells to me like hot buttered popcorn (if that can be called an odor). Anyway, we know there are some variations in species. You have probably seen Scarlets with varying amounts of yellow on the wings and South American Scarlets have a green dot on the back of the head. Some Scarlets I have seen have intense dark green at the tips of the yellow wing feathers. I'm just saying this because I think a lot of these birds are far more closely related than we think they are. Left to their own, they would choose not to hybridize which created the distinct species we recognize