Green cheek Suddenly terrified


New member
Aug 4, 2013
1 Sun Conure, 1 Green Cheek Conure, 1 Umbrella cockatoo, 1 American Parakeet
Iv'e been having a problem with my green cheek conure. Iv'e had him for about 2 years now since he was a baby. He is (or was) the snuggliest thing you could EVER hold. We would play a game where i would hide and pop out and he would yell baby. He would rub up against your face like crazy when you would hold him. But all of a sudden he is extremely skiddish and terrified of being held. He will sit on your shoulder but when it comes to petting or picking up he flattens and is scared. He has also began plucking. I don't know what could have started this. I clip his nails and wings but have always done that. We also lost a cockatiel around the same time of moving :'( which i don't think would affect him to much, he wasn't super close to her. I need help
It's possible the bird is picking up on your stress/etc about the cockatiel dying.
Were they in the same room? How many toys does he have?
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It's possible the bird is picking up on your stress/etc about the cockatiel dying.
Were they in the same room? How many toys does he have?
They were in the same room when she was egg bound but when she actually passed she wasn't in the room. She passed about 6 months ago so I am not as stressed as I was. I also tried not to show any if I was holding the others. He has tons of toys. I also forgot to mention that we had all of the birds in the same room ( which included a screaming cockatoo) so i just put him in my room about three days ago to give him some quiet and since i do my schooling on my laptop i am in there almost all day.
It's possible the bird is picking up on your stress/etc about the cockatiel dying.
Were they in the same room? How many toys does he have?
They were in the same room when she was egg bound but when she actually passed she wasn't in the room. She passed about 6 months ago so I am not as stressed as I was. I also tried not to show any if I was holding the others. He has tons of toys. I also forgot to mention that we had all of the birds in the same room ( which included a screaming cockatoo) so i just put him in my room about three days ago to give him some quiet and since i do my schooling on my laptop i am in there almost all day.

Putting him your room was well-intentioned but I think that might be contributing to the stress--he is a flock creature and one member of his flock disappeared and now he has been separated from most of the others and may not know where they are or what happened. And right around the same time the rest of the environment changed entirely, too, so things are pretty freaky right now. Keep in mind, he doesn't understand the larger context of anything that's happening.
When I had to re-home my Senegal, it definably stressed Kiwi out. I even think she got a bit depressed. They didn't even like each other (Rio even tried to kill Kiwi several times) but they did keep each other company when I wasn't here. Could the change be the culprit?
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It's possible the bird is picking up on your stress/etc about the cockatiel dying.
Were they in the same room? How many toys does he have?
They were in the same room when she was egg bound but when she actually passed she wasn't in the room. She passed about 6 months ago so I am not as stressed as I was. I also tried not to show any if I was holding the others. He has tons of toys. I also forgot to mention that we had all of the birds in the same room ( which included a screaming cockatoo) so i just put him in my room about three days ago to give him some quiet and since i do my schooling on my laptop i am in there almost all day.

Putting him your room was well-intentioned but I think that might be contributing to the stress--he is a flock creature and one member of his flock disappeared and now he has been separated from most of the others and may not know where they are or what happened. And right around the same time the rest of the environment changed entirely, too, so things are pretty freaky right now. Keep in mind, he doesn't understand the larger context of anything that's happening.
But since hes been in my room hes been grinding his beak and hes taken the first bath iv'e seen him take in a verrrry long time. He seems a little calmer. Should i put him back in the bird room ?
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