My conure is about a year old and I have had him for about two months. The orevious owners had to regime him due to bringing home triplets from the NICU and justifyably not having time for him. I don’t have a tremendous amount of info about him. But I used to had feed birds years and years ago and his head bobbing is reminiscent of baby bird head bobbing. I’ve read info about the psychological damage early weaning and forced weaning can do. But can find no info about the possible signs to look for. I gathered info from previous lenders that they had questionable concerns that the person they bought him from had much experience or took any extra care. Perhaps he was parent raised ?
Any info or suggestions would be helpful. I might be imagining things or reading too much into it.
Wondering if trying to offer hand fed food would be beneficial to bonding. He’s quite handshy and loves to ride on my shoulder. So we are just working on gaining trust. But I’ve yet to see videos of the same type of head bobbing he does.
Thanks in advance for any feedback
Any info or suggestions would be helpful. I might be imagining things or reading too much into it.
Wondering if trying to offer hand fed food would be beneficial to bonding. He’s quite handshy and loves to ride on my shoulder. So we are just working on gaining trust. But I’ve yet to see videos of the same type of head bobbing he does.
Thanks in advance for any feedback