Green Cheek Conure Help!


New member
Sep 5, 2014
Hello all! I have a Green Cheek Conure (named Pierre). I have had him for about three years. The first two years were fantastic. He would stay on my shoulder, cuddle with me, let me pet him, all that good stuff. About a year ago, he changed and we can't figure out why. He is scared of me. He'll let me pet him through his cage bars at times and other times he won't come near me. If I open up his cage, he will not come out. I have tried spending time with him by his cage (talking to him, making noises, etc). It seems I have hit a road block with him. Any suggestions? Would getting another bird help the situation? Thanks for your help and suggestions in advance!
Well, I'm glad you're reaching out.
Thoughts that pop into my head.
I wonder about issues with sexual maturity, possible mistreatment of the bird while you're not around, an illness (avian vet time!)...
Stay with us and we'll help you and Pierre work things out...
My boy will not even be civil if my hair is not in a ponytail or braid. Small things can be huge for a bird.
I'm a newbie to the parrot world but I have an CAG that I adopted from the rescue. I'm trying to earn his trust and making some progress. I've read in threads multiple times, bribe bribe bribe. It seems that you had a good relationship and something happened. I've read that it doesn't even have to be something that you did, it's something that Pierre thinks happened. Instead of going the route "Hey, we're friends remember buddy?" go the route of "Hi, I'm Jay. Nice to meet you." Start like he's new to your home and bribe bribe bribe.

Another thought, you mentioned we. How does Pierre act with the other parent? Are they spending more time with him? My GCC LOVED me at first. I had a week off when we got him. I went to work, my husband was home that day. Came home and he HATED me. Telly was pissed for about 5 days. Wouldn't let me near him. Now we're back to being friends, and I'm his person again. I've had 3 weeks off (teacher :)) and go back next week. My husband will probably be home, work is slow. I'm not looking forward to the wrath of Telly.

Hope this helps.
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