Sad when no one reads the instruction! So much for the professionals! And, the why Mrs Boats demands that I am onsite when such people are around! Not that I'm an expert on all things, only that if I'm looking over their shoulders, they might check the instructions. Me, I'm watching for the basics, if they are not doing that, there are likely other problems. A vicious circle then ensues...
But, on to the topic at hand! Thank's for the Bump!!! Great topic that more people should consider...
We travel so very often that we have an in home kit and one in SUV emergence kit in the travel cage. With a fleece coat on, I simply place Julio on by left hand and back him into the coat under by right arm. My body heat and the coat keep him warm and since it is the standing practice when we are going some place he settles right in.
FYI: Short the sub-zero weather, modern auto's start quickly and build heat rapidly! Commonly within five minutes there is heat entering the passenger compartment, single digits and below zero, expect 10 minutes.
Regarding having a discussion with Firemen! You are wasting your time and are in their way! Simply get your Parrot out of the house and into your auto ASAP.
We live in a World in which near anyone located near any place of mid-size will need to leave the area ASAP. The list of reasons is near endless.
The Reality of Today and the even sadder reality of Tomorrow. The electrical grid is becoming ever-more prone to failure. Maintenance Money is being slide into the Renewable Energy Systems. When fully in place, we will have a 50 to 70 year old grid that is very prone to failure. The lack of tree trimming is now approaching a fatal level in which even small storms will result in trees /branches causing lines
to fail.
Point is, have an alternative place to go during electrical failures or upgrade your home system to accept power from a portable generator! Note: Solar Energy system that supply emergency power are a waste of money as they need 'full' bright Sunlight! Roof mounted systems have the same issues, plus a few others. Some require the availability of Utility Supplied AC to function. Only those systems that are designed for Off-the-Grid-Use will work in a power outage. FYI: remember that if there is not Bright Sunlight, there is not electrical power.
And while I am pontificating here: If you believe in Renewable Energy Systems you will be finding out that they have serious problems that very few are talking about. Ask yourself why the builders of these wondrous systems are providing extremely short warranties! NOTE: They are failing much younger than believed possible! Wind farm fires in the primary gear box, breakdown of the blades themselves, which in turn result in unbalanced loads of the primary gear boxes, which follow with fires. The warranty no longer in place guess who pays for the extensive cost of replacing the gearboxes and the three large blades - surprise we do. The story regarding solar panels is just as sad!!!
There is a reason this stuff has such short warranty periods.
The likelihood that you will not have electrical power for days and weeks at a time increases monthly. Have a back-up plan!
FYI: I'm not a conspiracy nut! I just read too many engineering failure reports...