great opportunity... but should I ?


New member
Aug 4, 2013
Nova Scotia
6 parrotlets (Cookie, Kermie, Sylvester, Tweetie, Indie, Kiwi); 1 meyers (Mya-RIP)
Hello, new to the forum, but not to birds. I have had several dozens of finches over the past 10 years, as well as numerous parrotlets. I currently have 6 parrotlets, 3 couples of varying ages.

Early in the summer, I fell in love with a meyers parrot, and brought her home. We had 3 wonderful weeks together, but unbeknownst to me, she was young, probably only 7 weeks old when I got her. She regressed, and I was oblivious to the signs. My heart was broken, and although not my intention to replace her, the store gave me the choice of taking a new bird, or a cash refund. I said, depending on the temperament, I'd like a new meyers. He suggested getting 2 babies from one of their breeders, and I could take my pick.

Two beautiful boys were brought in two weeks ago, again quite young. But I was given the opportunity to hand feed them daily, which I do. I will leave them there for two more weeks, since I have a week of pre-planned out-of-province vacation coming up.

Here's my quandary: I have fallen in love with both. They are quite different in personality, but both are extremely sweet and docile. Can two male siblings be housed together IF the cage is large enough? (I'd be getting a large parrot sized cage)

ps My guess is they are about 7-8 weeks old now, so will be about 9-10 weeks when I bring them home.
You could try it. But unfortunately, they will most likely become cage territorial. Now if housed in one cage from birth, that may be OK. How do you know they are both males? Have they been sexed?
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DNA sexed, with paper work. And yes, they have been caged together since birth.

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