Gracie Funday videos :)


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Apr 9, 2016
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Gracie - CAG | Rookie - BRHP
Here's a couple of videos of Gracie & I chattering and her playing. Sorry about all the talking she tends to clam up when she sees the camera soo I hafta trick her :)

Our cat Banjo makes a cameo and jumps onto my shoulder .. Neat trick except he's 20lbs lol just want to mention and caution folks watching that cats and parrots not a good idea. Ours are never unsupervised nor do they interact.

There's also a part where Gracie is mimicking and trading our dog Derby & you'll hear him whinning back you can't see him but his tails wagging and he's happy it's a game they play.. From a distance again they don't interact & aren't unsupervised.

None of our pets show any aggression or anything but instincts are instincts and we just ere on the side of caution

Without any further ado... Miss Gracie's video debut :)



Really enjoyed the videos of Gracie...loved the last one best of all. Princess Gracie sure has a lovely mansion and frontyard playground to call her the way she goes from one toy to another enjoying herself with all her toys. Funny how they all use the door to swing on...I secured Mr Biggles door so it doesnt swing much anymore when open as I was afraid he would injure himself with the force of his swinging, your Gracie is a little more ladylike in her door swing...thanks for sharing I really enjoyed the videos...your a Star Gracie Lovely Lovely girl :)
Thanks :) yea she scares me with the door swinging she can be so violent slamming it when I secured it with zip ties she snapped them so I used a carbiner and she was so maniac about the change in her routine I stopped. Since she seemed very aware of her toe position and moves then out of the way accordingly I try not to stress. She's even really good at the hinge areas

I guess she a bit spoiled lol and a lot of her cage toys, above cage cargo net and top of cage play area toys aren't there today since they were cleaned and out drying or you'd really think she was spoiled. I know hubby does lol

Working on the baby's new set up and area. Got the cage yesterday which Gracie is ok with so far she clucks at it and checked it out. It'll be atleast a month before he/she comes home then quarantine but I want her to get use to the set up, seeing me feed, put the other birdie to bed, handling etc figured I have plenty of time to get her use to a few minutes of sharing time a day. Hopefully if I prepare her some it's not a huge shock when I exchange the current fake birdie for the real one lol

I don't need them to be best pals but I sure don't want to upset Gracie or stress out the new fella. She loves talking to the birds outside and on videos & she came from homes with other birds soo it's probably overkill but that's alright

Here's the stand-in baby bird courtesy of Derby our dog donating his crocodile squeaky toy lol

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I so loved the videos of Gracie! Her voice is so clear. What a lucky girl to have such a wonderful home as well. How big is her cage? It looks alot like 2 cages that we have.
I adjusted your picture so it is visible, so nice of Derby to let you use his toy as a stand in:)
Thanks Terry! iPhone was giving me a hard time with the copying the link :)

Gracie's cage is Kapoho Kave II Corner . It's 42"W x 30"D x 64"H

The baby's is an HQ double play top 32x23x64

Both are 5/8 bar spacing. Gracie was in a 1in but she had really bad feet when I got her and the way she'd grip the bars (spanning two of them & barely hooking the bars) her vet wanted her moved to smaller spacing so hopefully the sores and inflammation would subside and she's stop losing her grip and falling . Gotta admit it worked her feet are no longer red or inflamed and she moves around really well. Her grip use to be horrible but it got so much better her doc was cracking up when she couldn't get her loose from her finger at her last visit
You're very welcome:)
We have 2 very similar to Gracie's, ours are 36 deep and 50 wide...we were lucky, found them both used and we have Dexter, a YCA in one, and Ki & Cally (RCA and DYH) in the other. They both have 1" bar spacing.
I would love to find one Gracie's size!
That's great that a smaller bar spacing helped her feet, I may have to switch Justice out since he has some feet issues as well.
I love the look and space inside of the corner cage. Hate how low the bowls are Gracie doesn't use them & prefers to eat out of her cage so have bowls on her door and playstand which actually works great since we have tile floors no food mess in cage lol
Gracie throws everything her favorite activity is tossing food to our dogs Derby & DeeOhhGee who are ever so grateful for the constant treats they leave their toys at her cage in trade lol she of course has no interest in said toys

It's easy to clean and really doesn't show mess. With 2 teens tho I have daily cage cleaning labor for the low price of some weekly movie tickets lol
My Zons like the feed dishes and luckily aren't too terribly messy.
Cracking up at DeeOhhGee, LOVE THAT! I bet they love having things thrown at them that are yummy!
I never thought I'd say this, but I so wish my kids were teens again, I could use the help!
My Zons like the feed dishes and luckily aren't too terribly messy.
Cracking up at DeeOhhGee, LOVE THAT! I bet they love having things thrown at them that are yummy!
I never thought I'd say this, but I so wish my kids were teens again, I could use the help!

Lol I love his name he lives up to it. His story. When I went back to work 4 yrs ago Derby our lil terrior mix had a hard time & would literally sit on the arm of the sofa all day and stare at the door. So we.. Meaning me... Decided to get him a buddy. Dragged hubby to the local shelter. We looked around played with a few and agreed on this sweet, quiet lil girl. As we are walking away this one dog (at least that's what we thought it was) was yapping and howling and spinning around then he stands on his hind legs and does does a praying pose like clapping his paws together so I reached in to try and find an area to pet he was so matted and smelled putrid smelling & got nipped on the hand. Hubby said no way you're not bringing home the loudest dog in here plus he's bit you.
I of course didn't argue. The one "we" meaning him wanted was on a stray hold so I would need to come back in a week.
I also expressed concern at the office for the matted, urine soaked putrid smelling guy to let them know he needed attention. Couldn't even see eyes
They let me know he was nearing the end of 3 week stray hold and they couldn't legally touch him til then unless in an emergency.
The day I went to pick up our dog I walked back to her pen with the worker to get her and stopped at matted guys cage. Still matted, dripping wet & smelly
Saddest thing ever & now his sign showed available so I asked the worker to change the paperwork that I wanted to take him right then

Called my boss & told him I needed the rest of the day off. Went home with smelly boy, went in the bathroom then starting clipping and sheering for hours until walaa I found a dog. He barely moved the whole time just laid in what ever position I put him in and listened to me chatting to him about his new life. He then had the longest doggie bath ever Funny thing was shaved he looked a lot like Derby unless they are next to each other

Hubby came home goes into the bathroom and asks "derby" what he's doing in there was his mean mommy giving him a yucky bath Etc. He goes out to the living room and Derby runs in hubby realized his mistake but thinks I shave the dog he picked out which also looked like Derby.
He comes into the bathroom with a treat to greet the new guy and DeeOhhGee immediately gets up on his hindlegs and does his prayer/clap. Hubby looks at me and goes "you got that dog" sooo DeeOhhGee he became lol

The mats I removed weighted 2.7 lbs I took the bag of them with me the next day to the vet & he weighed them.

He's a crazy crazy dog extremely dog aggressive with any dog but Derby .... likes the cats just fine. Will growl whenever the kids pick him up but it's just how he talks he never bites it's odd. He's a weird DeeOhhGee lol



Happy ending & best buds :)

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Awww, DeeOhhGee's story brought tears to my eyes..that poor baby, I am SO glad he picked you! 2.7 pounds of mats, that is heartbreaking.
He and Derby are both so precious, and how great that they became best friends!
This story made my night, thank you so much for sharing.
Awwe hes Adorable so glad you brought him home...really funny about your hubby thinking he was Derby LoL :)
I'm so jealous, I can't wait for Perjo to start talking, I just know she's gonna have lots to say.

Great videos.

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