Got to Meet Baby, But Didn't Get to Choose...


New member
Mar 27, 2013
Northern Utah
Cockatiel - Sunshine - 1990-2014; YSGC Conure - Jellybean - 11 months; Turquoise GC Conure - Jasper - Hatched 1/14
Well, after being on pins and needles for about 2/3 weeks, we finally got to drive down and visit/play with the babies today! I took the day off and let son #2 skip school (son #1 is in deep trouble over his math grade) so that I had some help choosing. We were supposed to have first pick (there were three) but it didn't quite work out that way...

All the babies were beautiful, sweet, and happy to let us love on them. But as soon as we sat down with them, one came over lickety split and snuggled up under my sons arm, burrowing as far in as he/she could get. We played with the other two for a bit, and I finally had to pry the last one out of her hidey hole. She immediately snuggled into my hand, while the other two wandered off to play with each other, not afraid of us, but not interested either.

Before our visit was over, baby #3 had wiggled inside my jacket & Did Not want to come out! There was no doubt to anyone, she had claimed us!!! The next 2 weeks are going to be torture until we get to bring her home!!! (We're already calling her a her, but we are doing the DNA, just to head off any problems in the future!)
She is soooooo adorable. Best part, you will love having that photo down the road! My daughter did the same when Monster was a baby. She has the cutest pic of him sleeping against her hand.

Congrats!! Have you thought of name options?
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Thank you! I wish her teeny tail was showing, though! No names, yet... I was thinking something springy/eastery (since we already have a Jellybean). The boys are calling her the chicken hawk, just to irritate me... I may be outnumbered, but they know better than to cross me on this one!!!
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She is precious! Don't you love it when they pick you?
What a beautiful baby, I know you will be counting the days!
Work on stopping the nickname, they tend to stick!!!!

Monster's real name is Hijikata and Monkey is really Arianna. But she was snd still is such a little monkey the name stuck and she has no clue who Arianna is!!! Same with Monster, he was a rough and tumble monster baby... he also knows himself as Monster Bird. So you are right to nip those chicken hawk comments now!! :)
Its the best feeling when they choose you. When I got to the breeder's house to bring Peeko home (it was too far a drive to visit them before they were weaned) and the babies came out, Peeko shot up my arm like a little rocket, settled himself down on my shoulder, and started preening away. He stayed there the entire time we played with the other babies, and he wouldn't go back in the cage at the end, but the others all did. Peeko made the right choice for sure because we couldn't be any more in love with him. <3
Aww isn't she just the cutest!! She's so green!
Aww! Isn't it great to be picked:) Yeah bite that nickname in the a**. I fought for awhile but ultimately lost the war.
OMG, he's such a little cutie pie! GCC's are such cuddly bugs, and yours looks especially cuddly.

Congrats on your new baby!
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After some heated debate (all parties are still not in agreement, even my 2nd grade class was divided) we have narrowed our list down to two names... Clover and Jasper.

Clover obviously for spring, March, green, St. Patrick's Day, leprechauns, etc. etc.

And Jasper, as in the green Jasper gemstone, which signifies patience, nurturing, and strength for those who are broken-hearted by love or sudden abandonment... fitting since she is to be Jellybean's new friend after losing my Cockatiel Sunshine.

We won't have the DNA results for a couple weeks, but I actually like Jasper for a girl or boy, but Clover only if she's a girl. Any thoughts/ideas/input? I'm putting the stupid Chicken Hawk idea to bed once & for all! ;)
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