We have named it Bulbul. It seems to just be sitting on 1 perch for the time being and if we get close it starts trying to fly away...
We did hear for a few minutes some sort of chirping from it? Why do they do this? Is it hungry becouse it has food and water in the cage along with fruit even
Should i leave it for a few days and then start to approach it and talk to it etc?
4 months old is a bit too young to tell gender, unless you get him/her DNA tested. Usually a black ring will form around the neck (for males) at around 2 - 3 years old. Sometimes as early as 18 months though. A day or two is too short of a time to expect too much from your bird. You need to let him/her settle in its environment. This can vary from one bird to the next, it could be as little as a week or several months. Chirping is a good sign though . I would continue to talk to the bird as long as he/she is comfortable with it. I've found the best way to tame a bird is to work at the bird's pace and get him to associate you with good things (treats, such as bits of walnut, sunflowers, ect) even if you just drop them in the bowl (not always taking it from your hand until he's comfortable doing that)