Gorilla vs duct tape


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
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Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Huge price difference! To the ignorant, me, look the same! I guess I can also throw vet wrap in the post. I am only working with small monsters(GCC) so I think anything is durable! Main question, is duct tape safe?
I don't believe the adhesive is safe to ingest, not to mention that the stickiness could pose a serious hazard to your birds.
No! Vet wrap is definitely the way to go here, even that will begin to get "sticky" with time and need to be replaced. What are you using it for?
No-- anything with adhesive in/on it is not safe. I'm unfamiliar with gorilla tape, but if it's sticky on one side-- pass on it. I know of one member who uses it and he must be very lucky that his birds don't chew it....I know my birds would chew the heck out of anything of the sort--- they even chew up vet wrap, but vet wrap is safe because of the lack of adhesive.

You can find vet wrap cheaper at any local farm store as opposed to a pet store...
I "think" gorilla tape is sticky on both sides. Though perhaps helpful in keeping a pesty bird where you want it, I'll have to go with vet tape as the best and safest bet. :)
No-- anything with adhesive in/on it is not safe. I'm unfamiliar with gorilla tape, but if it's sticky on one side-- pass on it. I know of one member who uses it and he must be very lucky that his birds don't chew it....I know my birds would chew the heck out of anything of the sort--- they even chew up vet wrap, but vet wrap is safe because of the lack of adhesive.

You can find vet wrap cheaper at any local farm store as opposed to a pet store...

I've been using gorilla tape for quite awhile now. I've never had a problem with it.

It holds up well, it's easy to clean.

Even if they chew on it, they don't ingest it.

I haven't ever used duct tape. Gorilla tape is higher quality material, that's why it's a lot more expensive.

Vet wrap just didn't last with my guys. You're replacing it all the time, it's difficult to clean, and it quickly gets nasty. I used it for years, but I switched.

JUST BECAUSE SOME ADHESIVES ARE TOXIC DOESN'T MEAN ALL ADHESIVES ARE TOXIC. And again, depends on the birds, and whether or not they chew and ingest such things. I worry more about ingestion (intestinal/crop blockage) hazards with this sort of stuff than toxicity.
I "think" gorilla tape is sticky on both sides. Though perhaps helpful in keeping a pesty bird where you want it, I'll have to go with vet tape as the best and safest bet. :)

No it's not sticky on both sides. It's essentially heavy duty gaffers tape.
I've used it once - and will NEVER use it again. My Sam (DHY Amazon) promptly chewed through the layers of Gorilla tape. Don't know if he ingested any, but I do know that enough sticky stuff was exposed that he lost numerous feathers. :eek:

What works for one person's birds may not work well for someone else's. I know that if I used gorilla tape on anything for my galahs they'd chew through it and we'd all be in trouble.

You don't necessarily have to worry about the toxicity of adhesives, but as Wendy's experience points out the dangers of what could happen if enough of the adhesive gets exposed. One stuck birdy.

I (still) don't recommended gorilla tape to be used around birds, but to each their own.
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I've used it once - and will NEVER use it again. My Sam (DHY Amazon) promptly chewed through the layers of Gorilla tape. Don't know if he ingested any, but I do know that enough sticky stuff was exposed that he lost numerous feathers. :eek:

I never even considered that possibility. (Stuck feathers.) I didn't think the adhesive was strong enough to be an entanglement hazard.

As with anything, I guess, it's a matter of inspecting for hazards.

But no, mine don't chew the stuff.
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Gak! I wouldn't use any kind of sticky substance near my birds! Would YOU chew sticky gaffer tape? Then why would you put it anywhere near your birds who can and do chew whatever they come in contact with? I don't care how 'non-toxic' it might be: I wouldn't let my kids chew it, therefore I wouldn't let my birds chew it either.

Many of you know I've said on here frequently that my birds don't chew cotton rope. Well, guess what? Yesterday, Dominic took a fancy to the rope that binds his rummage basket and chewed a great length of it into cotton wool! Birds chew stuff. Just because they didn't chew it today or yesterday doesn't mean they won't chew it tomorrow. I can't think of anything more ridiculous than leaving any kind of adhesive substance where a bird could ingest it.

Vet wrap is easy to get hold of and simple to use. If you resent having to change it every now and then, try winding your perches with sisal twine or hemp webbing.
I tried the sisal twine, but it wasn't tight enough, and that ended up being a toe hazard.
I tried the sisal twine, but it wasn't tight enough, and that ended up being a toe hazard.
I know what you mean. I find that you just have to be proactive with it. I tie mine on with a clovehitch knot at the end and just make sure to tighten it up maybe once a week.
I also use rope or vet wrap exclusively. I would be terrified to use anything with adhesive, as Trish said, today they may not chew, tomorrow, it may be too late.
Stephen, love your stand!
Thanks, Terr! Would you believe that, with everything on there, Maya has the most fun with the paper attachments like that brown paper wrapping and the looseleaf roll on the other side? Hahaha!
When winding sisal twine, it's helpful to first soak it in hot water. Lay the end of the rope about two or three inches along the perch and wind very tightly over the tail to secure it. As you approach the end, have a piece of cord ready. Fold it in half and place it on the perch so that the loop end will poke out the end of your winding. Wind right up to the end and poke the end of your sisal through the loop of cord. Pull hard and the end of your rope will be neatly and tightly tucked in the same way as your starting end. As the rope dries, it tightens. Shouldn't present any problems after that unless your birds bite right through it. :)
When winding sisal twine, it's helpful to first soak it in hot water. Lay the end of the rope about two or three inches along the perch and wind very tightly over the tail to secure it. As you approach the end, have a piece of cord ready. Fold it in half and place it on the perch so that the loop end will poke out the end of your winding. Wind right up to the end and poke the end of your sisal through the loop of cord. Pull hard and the end of your rope will be neatly and tightly tucked in the same way as your starting end. As the rope dries, it tightens. Shouldn't present any problems after that unless your birds bite right through it. :)
Wow, really? And then tightening is no longer required?

Sweet, Trish! I think I'll undo my sisal wraps and try your method! Thank you!
I tried the sisal twine, but it wasn't tight enough, and that ended up being a toe hazard.
I also soak mine, and on PVC I slip the loose ends under the connectors, helps to keep the rig tight. I also put clove hitch knots every 10 or 20 wraps.
So.. Duct tape, out! I found a fairly good price on vet wrap, 1.25 a roll, 10 pack, on Amazon.
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/First-Voice-TS-3183-Self-Adherent-Sensi-Wrap/dp/B00BL8BNII/ref=pd_sim_200_3/183-7039227-3700418?ie=UTF8&refRID=1KH4NDB728X6EAWS8R5N&dpID=517xgmWQlmL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_"]Amazon.com: First Voice TS-3183 Sterile Self-Adherent Stretch Sensi-Wrap Bandage, 5 yds Length x 3" Width (Pack of 10): Industrial & Scientific[/ame]
I have used sisal. Another thing we found easy to use is leather strips. If you soak it in water it is really stretchy and you can wrap it tight on a perch or whatever. Once dry it will shrink pretty tight. I just tie them off wherever and then start wrapping another piece over the last. It makes a knobby, but natural place to stand, since it's not just one piece, but several smaller strips I'll leave some strips tied off with long pieces that you can string some toys onto the leather as well.

You can get by for a long time, if it gets loose, by wetting it down good again and then drying it in the sun and it shrinks back again tight.

We get the same vet tape from amazon as flboy. It's cheap and works great!
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I "think" gorilla tape is sticky on both sides. Though perhaps helpful in keeping a pesty bird where you want it, I'll have to go with vet tape as the best and safest bet. :)

No it's not sticky on both sides. It's essentially heavy duty gaffers tape.

I was thinking of Tiger tape I think. It was some kinda big animal tape anyways :)

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