Google translate's bird care guide

2. Select your favorite bird treatment. It can be a certain type of grain or fruit. To do this, notice the feathers he eats from the feeder in the first place. It is recommended to choose this type of product from the parrot feeder. And to give this sensitivity to hands only during training.

"the feathers he eats"
? Is this the translation or original paragraph? If its the translation, I'd suggest you make it clearer(example: add the text "translation:" before it) and add the original sentences :)
it looks like translation - for original version it would look weird

From my thread "Purrhura conures types - part 1: Species vs subspecies vs mutation":
Subspecies – a taxonomic rank below species. Not every species has subspecies and they not always have English names. The most often subspecies which have English names, are ones with unsure taxonomic rank (I mean they can be separated as different species, example: Azuero conure – P. (picta) eisenmanni). In the case of the most common species (green cheeked conure), no subspecies have English names. They shouldn’t be crossbred, exception – P. molinae molinae and P. molinae hypoxantha (explanation below).

Here are some of the differences: Not all names are sold and not all English names. Many English names have meanings (they can be divided into different names). ................ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ...................................... ............................... ................... .................. again))))))))))))))))))))))) English) Not P. molina molina and P. molina hypoxantha (starting from the bottom).

WHAT THE...??!!! HOW??!!
? Is this the translation or original paragraph? If its the translation, I'd suggest you make it clearer(example: add the text "translation:" before it) and add the original sentences :)
Its in arabic so no one will understand 💀
I have no idea what to translate

Original: Jasper is a zon and he's mad at all the little birds
He wants to start his own club with Xander

Translated: I did not want to go to the polls but I did not know how to do it.
Ander Xander ander 自 分 分 の ク ander ander ander ander ander た ander
The last written story part:
While Richard, Yolanda, Veronica and Natalie are searching for Daniel, one of the B&G macaw found Daniel's uncle and informed him: "We have your nephew, if you don't say where are the glaucous macaws, we'll clip his wings, or maybe even something worse."
"To be honest... I don't really care about him." - Daniel's uncle answered.
The B&G macaw looked surprised at him. Daniel's uncle just flew away. The B&G decided to follow him.

While Richard, Yolanda, Veronica and Natalie are looking for Daniel, a B&G man finds Daniel's aunt and says: “If you do not kill him, your brother has relatives. No sin.
- Honestly, I do not care. Uncle Daniel answered.
B&G waited in surprise. Uncle Daniel left. B&G has decided to report that model.

No macau species this time 😛
No macaus!
I translated my username and got “dandelion goose”
I might have to change it now
From my thread about mutations of GCC's:
Each mutation has own inheritance way and it is possible to get a bird with two or more mutations. It means that all features of these mutations affect the plumage. There is a possibility that one mutation would ‘cover’ another mutation (among 4 most common mutations there are no such cases). I mean that such combination like pied lutino can’t exist because lutino makes all melanin colors disappearing and pied does the same but only in some plumage areas – so this mutation has ‘nothing to do’ next to lutino (but genetically such combination is possible – just isn’t visible). Some combinations have own names. In the case of green cheeked conures there are few of them:

  • Pineapple = yellow sided cinnamon
  • Mint = turquoise dilute
  • Opamint = yellow sided turquoise dilute
  • Cinnamint = cinnamon turquoise dilute
  • Suncheek = yellow sided cinnamon dilute
  • Mooncheek = yellow sided cinnamon turquoise dilute

This species has its own species and you can see a bird with two or more species. This means what happened in the article. Changes to another version can be "closed" (with all 4 major changes there are no problems). In my opinion, there is no lutino-pide cryogenic method because lutein is compatible with melanin and a peptide color, but in some areas of the hair it is not associated with changes in lutein-pide behavior (but yes, I can). .. - No. Very easy). These are the names of several products. When it comes to green cheeks, there are a few things:
Real pineapple = cinnamon
Water = Why Turquoise
Opamine = yellowish-yellow color combination on the side
Cinnamon = Turkish cinnamon
Oray = element paleo- cinnamon
Chanduk = cinnamon yellow corner

Now we have new combinations: opamine, water, real pineapple, oray and chanduk :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Original Text:
"The Budgerigar is a colourful parrot native to Australia. Its plumage is bright yellow and green, with a blue cheek and black scalloping on its wing feathers. Budgerigars have been bred in captivity since the 1850s and are now one of the world's best known pet birds. They're hardy, animated and can mimic human speech."

Translated Text:
"Budgerigar is the color of Australian mercury. The bird is bright yellow and green, with blue and black cheeks on the wings. Roots in 1850 and is one of the largest ornamental birds in the world today. They are strong, intelligent and able to express human speech."
Original Text:
"The Budgerigar is a colourful parrot native to Australia. Its plumage is bright yellow and green, with a blue cheek and black scalloping on its wing feathers. Budgerigars have been bred in captivity since the 1850s and are now one of the world's best known pet birds. They're hardy, animated and can mimic human speech."

Translated Text:
"Budgerigar is the color of Australian mercury. The bird is bright yellow and green, with blue and black cheeks on the wings. Roots in 1850 and is one of the largest ornamental birds in the world today. They are strong, intelligent and able to express human speech."
That's quite similar!
from my really old thread - "Australian wild parrots after the bushfires":
The bushfires directly affect 20 animal species that may be at risk of extinction. Among the parrots, the most affected are glossy black cockatoos, subspecies C. l. halmaturinus. About 1/3 of Kangaroo Island (where they live) is burnt, other parts still are in danger and this species lost a lot of food.

The fire affects about 20 species of monkeys, black grouse CL. Hamaturin (home) About 1/3 of the island's new kangaroos, some areas are still endangered and have lost much of their food.
I am going to revive this thread

ok so this is from @chris-md 's diet thread, you can find it as a sticky in the Eclectus sub forum here

Original text:
This much is well-known: Eclectus digestive system is very sensitive, and this means they have special dietary requirements. Where most parrots in aviculture are some variation of granivores (“seed eaters”), in the wild eclectus are “generalist frugivores”. By frugivores, that tindicates their primary food source is fruits. The "Generalist" modifier tempers this requirement slightly, indicating that while most of their diet is primarily fruits, they incorporate numerous other food sources in their diet, such as flowers, seeds, and buds.

Translated 20+ times:
Hnin Hu's melt is strong. This means that they are well aware that they are eating a different diet. Most parrots have different shapes ("eating fruit"), but parrots are "old cells". Explain that fruit is your most important food. Many people eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Pay attention to common foods like fruits and vegetables.

That was translated way too many times.
From this thread:
I just thought I'd post this. Because like the title says, why not.
I need ideas and practice so I'd love it if you could give me photos of your birds. Flock photos welcome!
I know they'll turn out terribly, so I apologize in advance, and thank you!

осто одумал, о опубликую о. отому о, ак едует азвания, очему ет.
е еи актика, оэтому ад, если али е отографии оих. айные отографии етствуются!
аю, о они олучатся асно, оэтому муаранее, асибо!
Yeah, it didn't translate back...
Now I will be copying Wikipedia:
The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot found in Australia. It is common along the eastern seaboard, from northern Queensland to South Australia. Its habitat is rainforest, coastal bush and woodland areas. Six taxa traditionally listed as subspecies of the rainbow lorikeet are now treated as separate species

Loriket (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is an Australian species. It stretches from northern Queensland on the east coast to southern Australia. Its places are forests, lakes and forests. Six old cabins are divided into several peach sections.
From this thread:
I just thought I'd post this. Because like the title says, why not.
I need ideas and practice so I'd love it if you could give me photos of your birds. Flock photos welcome!
I know they'll turn out terribly, so I apologize in advance, and thank you!

осто одумал, о опубликую о. отому о, ак едует азвания, очему ет.
е еи актика, оэтому ад, если али е отографии оих. айные отографии етствуются!
аю, о они олучатся асно, оэтому муаранее, асибо!
Yeah, it didn't translate back...
I fixed it for you:


I just thought I'd post this. Because like the title says, why not.
I need ideas and practice so I'd love it if you could give me photos of your birds. Flock photos welcome!
I know they'll turn out terribly, so I apologize in advance, and thank you!


I thought about it, about I will publish about. why, oh, the name goes, why is it. e ei aktika, so hell if ali e pictures of both. Ayye otographies are available! ayu, oh they will get better asno, so muarane, asibo!

From Wikipedia
Rüppell's parrot (Poicephalus rueppellii) or Rueppell's parrot, is a bird that is endemic to southwestern Africa from central Namibia to southwest Angola. It lives in savanna where there are trees or in dry woodland. It is more common near streams or rivers. The name commemorates the German naturalist and explorer Eduard Rüppell.

Rupela (Poicephalus rueppellii) or Rupela is an extinct species from southwestern Africa to central Namibia to southwestern Angola. Live in forests, trees or arid forests. Usually located near rivers or streams. The name reminds us of the German researcher Edward Ruple.

So, we have a new extinct species.

I do not recommend introducing ‘extensive’ change to your Amazon’s environment during this process. Most Amazon’s hate change and it is important not to unnecessary stress your Amazon. The goal is to build more activity into your Amazon’s daily life and adjust food intake to improve its overall health. Making minor, daily changes in different parts of the cage over the course of several weeks is much better than the all in one day approach. This encourages the Amazon to investigate the smaller daily changes as apposed to freaking-out over a totally new environment.


I wouldn’t recommend adding “big” changes about Amazon in the process. The anger of the Amazon is not violent, and it is important not to challenge the rainforest of the Amazon. The goal is to take advantage of the many features of Amazon and make dietary changes to improve your health. In different parts of the prison, small changes were made every day for a few days, not just a day. This encourages Amazon to learn small changes every day to adapt to the new environment.

(credit: Amazon sub-forum sticky "I Love Amazons- An On-Going Journey!)

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