Good Thoughts and Prayers? I would use them please.

No, you sound fine. The video was quite heartbreaking and you had some good messages especially the one about doing your research before acquiring a particular type of bird.

I know I could never have a Macaw, no way! Or any of the really big parrots out there, just couldn't.
Here's the video :)

[ame=""]Amazing Macaw Parrot Rescue of 12 Blue and Golds in Hawaii - YouTube[/ame]
Good god. Poor creatures.
Thinking and praying all the best for them...
These people shouldn't be allowed to profit from their misdeeds... they should be fined for keeping them in such poor conditions. I hope the authorities get involved.

But something tells me they won't...

It would be nice to at least report this, and give the pictures and vet reports to the local authorities, and the local media...


The authorities will do nothing. Remember my budgie rescue? Birds missing beaks, hundreds of birds in a cage the size oa bathroom stall, cakes in poop? Yeah, I got the "shame shame" finger for reporting him because the animals had food and water. Same situation would have applied here.

The news actually came out for the extraction, and believe it or not we are actually getting a lot of NEGATIVE comments from people saying we should have let someone else do it - apparently if you breed birds you should NEVER be involved in rescue! I happen to believe if you breed birds you MUST be involved... Also people are mad that we are sending them to a sanctuary off island instead of adopting them out here... guess what? the pool of people qualified to handle these guys on this island is tiny, and we are flooded with other rescues. On top of that theyh EACH need thousands of dollars of vet work. If we kept them here they would be doomed.


Frankly, it was the politics as much as the day to day, horrible things you see that I found the most draining...

It's bad enough having to deal with this crap, when you're the sort of person who frets about your bird not having enough toys, or out time...

Without having to deal with people arguing about conflicts of interest, or it wasn't that bad, you're just a crazy bird person, or argument within the group over how best to care for them, and who should do it, and who's gonna pay for it... (and isn't doing what they said they would - so guess who gets stuck with it, last minute - again!)

It's truly exhausting...

Plus, like I said, I was getting angry all the time. I had to be restrained from taking this dude's head off... he had been torturing a baby greenwing, and I just snapped... "What?! It's just a bird..."


Law enforcement priorities are such that they are geared to see the folks who complain about such things as the ones not right in the head.
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Yeah... What he said.

I'm not a person who likes to fight with other people, I don't need to be in control, etc. I always thought you could just "stay out of the drama." Turns out that's not a real thing unless you don't ever want to be involved in anything that matters. But fortunately, on the issue of these macaws, our group at least is united, even though our community is lashing out.

Yesterday there was an ad on Craigslist for a macaw for $300. We instantly suspected it could be the macaw that was sold out from under us, or two that were "reserved" before we got there. I contacted the seller. Major scammer, and they texted me all morning sending me pictures of exotic kittens and bull dog puppies insisting they could get them here in a day. News flash, dogs and cats have to be close to a year old before they can enter hawaii... Etc etc, I will ship you a free macaw if you post an ad for me... Etc etc... Then they accused me of being a scammer and trying to take THEIR money... WHAAAAAT? I just wanted to save the rest of the flock. Ugh.
As selfish as this sounds, I got to the point where I just wanted to be around happy people, and happy, spoiled birds, and the people who actually took care of them...

I reached a point in my life where I was so drained, I had to do a "negativity dump..."
I know I could never have a Macaw, no way! Or any of the really big parrots out there, just couldn't.


I just couldn't live WITHOUT my big macs...

I could live without seeing what ignorant people do to them though.
SilverSage;499687 Yesterday there was an ad on Craigslist for a macaw for $300. We instantly suspected it could be the macaw that was sold out from under us said:
I saw that ad today and thought it might be one of those Macaws, guess it wasn't.
Nope, it was a nasty individual who is trying to get money for nothing.
Thank you for all you have done - everyone - to save these animals. All the animals in our family are rescues - it is beyond me why people can be cruel to innocent animals.

Our two birds are rescues, they are magnificent birds, both of them. I get incredible joy seeing them happy and spoiled.

I hope the macaw that was taken before he could be saved is found...
I just wanted to let you guys know that the Hawaiian Feathered Friends Network was able to see this flock off safely, and most of them are in their new home. Melissa Bayles, the co-founder of our club, personally took on, cared for, and paid the vet bills for Bugsy, the macaw with the broken beak. He is currently on the mainland with a different sanctuary and we hope and pray he will be able to join his flock soon. The rest of the birds are finally together in an aviary with toys and space ad good food :)
Ooo that's awesome...I sent what I could to help...:)
Thanks! Every little bit was so helpful!
This is just a horrible story.

I don't hate many things in this world, but i truly hate people that mistreat animals. Especially people that think they are doing good, when they are just horrible. I feel there should be more laws protecting animals, but there are not. In my state you get a small fine for major abuse/death of animals....nobody seems to care that is in charge.

Just sickening. Thank you for helping them.
The sad thing to me was hat e woman didn't know she was being cruel. She did everything she was told to by the man who had owned them for decades. And the cage the original pair was in was huge, like two stories high, at least ten feet square... My guess is he bought them and then didn't want to part with their babies, and never really came up with a good plan. It is a good reminder that a lot of abuse is actually neglect due to ignorance, not a desire to be evil.

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