These people shouldn't be allowed to profit from their misdeeds... they should be fined for keeping them in such poor conditions. I hope the authorities get involved.
But something tells me they won't...
It would be nice to at least report this, and give the pictures and vet reports to the local authorities, and the local media...
The authorities will do nothing. Remember my budgie rescue? Birds missing beaks, hundreds of birds in a cage the size oa bathroom stall, cakes in poop? Yeah, I got the "shame shame" finger for reporting him because the animals had food and water. Same situation would have applied here.
The news actually came out for the extraction, and believe it or not we are actually getting a lot of NEGATIVE comments from people saying we should have let someone else do it - apparently if you breed birds you should NEVER be involved in rescue! I happen to believe if you breed birds you MUST be involved... Also people are mad that we are sending them to a sanctuary off island instead of adopting them out here... guess what? the pool of people qualified to handle these guys on this island is tiny, and we are flooded with other rescues. On top of that theyh EACH need thousands of dollars of vet work. If we kept them here they would be doomed.