Good signs so far


Mar 8, 2010
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Washington State
Riley-white faced grey cockatiel (hatch date 6-28-2014) RIP Halloween-pied cockatiel
I decided along with their food dish to put two unbleached coffe filters on the bottom of there cage one with seeds the other with pellets and a few minutes ago I saw Hallows eve climb down from top perch and go straight to the coffee filter with the pellets it looked like he/she was eating the pellets some but I'm not entirely sure as they stopped once I looked over at them. Hopefully this will make the switch to pellets easier
I hope so. When I tried switching my conure to pellets it looked like he was eating them at first but then I noticed that he just chews it in his mouth and lets all the pieces go everywhere.
I tried everything to put my little pheonix onto pellets ( wean him
onto them so no prior experiance with seeds ) and he simply wouldn't eat them

One day he flew up and found my old birds seed and dug in like he'd never eaten before
I decided to add just a small amount of seed in with his pellets and wolar he eats pellets no problem ( except the yellow ones )
slowly I will start to wean the seeds back out but I'm glad I found something that worked
I think it's thr smell of the seed that is so intising and there must also be some kinda pre genetic disposale to eating seeds as my little guy knew straight away they were food ( everything else he just played with )

Good luck on your conversion !
My girl will only eat her pellets when they are soft. I poor boiling water over them to just cover it and then drain the water again. You have to loosen the pellets up with a spoon otherwise they get stuck to each other. The pellets that are not coloured smells exactly like pronutro porridge when they are wet.

You can try that - maybe your parrot also prefer them soft.;)
Our girls eat their pellets by color (they eat Zupreem Fruit Blend) day they eat all the red and purple ones, then they eat purple and yellow, then orange, purple and red, etc. They always eat the purple ones, though. I guess they get that trait honestly, I eat my M&M's by color.

Max doesn't care what color he eats, but he doesn't eat the red ones. He does, however, dip them in his water. He doesn't soak them, just a quick little dunk.
I'm sorry... I have read your previous threads about the tiels but I forgot their genders... did you ever find out if they were male or female?
I have not yet but when I take them to the vet I am going to get them sexed and whenever we get the results back I will let you guys know
You can pretty accurately sex tiels visually, no need to waste money to have them DNA sexed.
You can pretty accurately sex tiels visually, no need to waste money to have them DNA sexed.
Actualy thats a myth they claim that if they have bright cheeks there boys and dull ones are girls but thats not always true and with Pied cockatiels like Halloween since I don't know how old it is I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl. With pied cockatiels the males will lose there pied coloring and become a "normal grey" after there first couple molts.
If you think visually sexing tiels is a myth then by all means spend the money ;)
I'm just going by what many responcible cockatiel breeders and other knowledgeable bird people I've talked to have told me.

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