Goliath our Buffon Macaw finally home :)


Aug 2, 2013
Houston, TX
Eclectus, Macaw, African Grey, Toucan
It took us 13 hours round trip and his previous owner drove 20 hours round trip but he is home!
He is a BIG boy! His feathers need a little TLC and I was told he has started to strip them but I am sure we can get him back to his wonderful Great Green self in no time! His previous owners loved him VERY much and took GREAT care of him but realized he needed to be in a pet home where he could get the attention he needed. They picked us out of 5 other families and we are so thankful.



Oh my gosh, he is GORGEOUS!!!!! :eek: WOW, I'm speechless!!! STUNNING boy, many many congrats on him! You must be absolutely in heaven right about now. :D
You have been chosen, that's great, your bird is beautiful, have fun!
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Here are 2 more photos. He actually stepped up for me my 1st day with him very gentle :) Such a good boy!


Congrats on your new baby!!!! He's a very handsome boy!!! :)
He looks so sweet!!!! Beyond STUNNING! You guys are so lucky to have him, best wishes and congratulations! :D
Wow, gorgeous bird! Many congrats!
Looks SO SWEET !!! I think were all excited on here [ we don't see many] You have to keep us informed what hes like :)
What a gorgeous macaw!!

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