Going to visit a couple of rescues

That's awesome. She is a beauty. Sounds like you do indeed have a good start going. I think giving her some space with you close by for reassurance will be very comforting to her.
I am so happy for you and Scarlett! What a beautiful girl she is! I have two Macs and they are both very mushy! They can take a lot of time and can sometimes be challenging especially my B&G! LOL! But it's all worth it.

Thank you for taking her in. You will enjoy her so much! :D
Thanks! I've discovered in the last hour that she really likes music. I thought she might like something other than silence, so I put on my classical playlist, and she likes it a lot.
I find it so fascinating their individual music preferences. That's awesome that she's enjoy it.
Right now I have on a mix of various classical pieces (my tastes are all over the map, but for classical music I prefer the Russian romantics and late classical Beethoven, though not really the symphonies, along with a few ballets and operas from various eras). Goofy, the YNA prefers country/western. So far Scarlett seems to agree with my taste in classical music. We shall see what else she likes as we get to know each other.
That's really cool. I love when parronts take notice of their fids musical preferences plus it makes me feel like i'm less crazy :)

Gracie absolutely shows preferences while she loves oldies she also like classic rock (hubbies influence) bits & pieces of country (Toby Keith she really likes) & although she doesn't show a preference normally for pop/current hits - with 2 teens in the house she does pick out occasional favorites - she will go nutty for Lady Gaga - Poker Face is a favorite. She is stone silent whenever there is a song or music she doesn't like - if it really bugs her she'll say "Stop It" lol

I really think Scarlett is gonna settle in nicely!
I'm glad I'm not crazy. Lol. Leo hasn't shown any strong preferences, but he has shown a bit of a liking for death metal (teenagers, ugh). Cookie is so old he just doesn't care about anything anymore. He just sits in or on his cage shouting "get off my lawn!" He's cool as long as general activity is happening around him.
. He just sits in or on his cage shouting "get off my lawn!" .

Well no more crazy than I am :) so that could be debatable lol I shower with a parrot - hubby is convinced I'm one crack away from total crazy :)

Ok that is hysterical! I'm gonna carry the visual of Cookie yelling "get off my lawn" all day. I wonder if @ 44 I can get away with doing that hmmm
Garage sale.... sometimes I f..in hate people. Can you imagine someone selling a dog at a garage sale? Bless you for taking this special girl in.
. He just sits in or on his cage shouting "get off my lawn!" .

Well no more crazy than I am :) so that could be debatable lol I shower with a parrot - hubby is convinced I'm one crack away from total crazy :)

Ok that is hysterical! I'm gonna carry the visual of Cookie yelling "get off my lawn" all day. I wonder if @ 44 I can get away with doing that hmmm

To be clear, he's shouting the elderly cockatiel version of "get off my lawn". But I swear that's what he's saying. He's just like the crotchety old men portrayed in sit-coms.

And doesn't everybody shower with their parrots?

Garage sale.... sometimes I f..in hate people. Can you imagine someone selling a dog at a garage sale? Bless you for taking this special girl in.

Yeah, tell me about it. I was horrified to hear that. The people that took her from that situation did try their best. She was loved while they had her, but they had another macaw then got that dog a 9 months ago, which Scarlett didn't take too kindly too, and now their living situation is changing dramatically, so they needed to rehome both birds ASAP. They've had the blue and gold for 23 years, and he was obviously a loved and well cared for bird.
We now have her real cage set up in our regular quarantine room. It's a little bare, but I want to leave it be for a few days because she's had so many changes already. Those were the toys her old people had in it when we took her. She spent most of her time on her play perch, so we'll get that back upstairs and in the room, but for now she seems okay.


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