Going to pick up a new macaw

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His wings are full and I feel like he enjoys being able to fly around and it doesn't pose any big issues as he seems to respect my other birds' cages. I've been trying to find something that he likes as a treat. Any ideas?
Please give him lots of wooden toys and concrete perches, he will chew a lot and grind his beak so you should not have to.
If the Beaks contiinues to grow, it will grow into their crop and this can be a real issue for you and your new GW. If this does not work, you will have to take him to the Vet to grind down the Beak. Best of luck Joe
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He has tons of toys in his cage..both wooden and concrete. If it gets any worse I'll just have the rescue owner trim it for me.
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I just drove down to my neighbors house and dropped him off to get his wings clipped and his beak trimmed. My neighbor is a retired vet tech and owns many parrots of his own. I'm leaving to go get him now, I'll post pictures.
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His beak looks much better. The first thing he went for when I let him out of the crate was a graham cracker he didn't finish from before. The wings are a little choppy but it's better than him getting out the door I guess.
I have seen better wing clipping jobs from butchers with chainsaws. Are you sure he was a Vet Tech or a maintenance worker at the vets office? Also, I might recommend finding a room with some good carpet and see how well he can fly or lack there of. Macaws are big bodied birds and need a short or shallow cut on their wings to keep them from dropping like a rock. If they fall too hard, it can crack their chest bone. Also if the clipping isn't enough, they can still fly great distances even after the clipping.
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He can still get to his cage from his t-stand. He always did a good job with my other birds. I'm trying my best here people...
I thought the same thing about the hack job but didn't say it because i know you thought you were doing the right thing. You have to find someone that really knows how to clip a birds wing. Looks like the person you brought him to just cut straight accross instead of the flight feathers. Don't feel bad just take it as advice as it was meant to be and learn from it. God knows i wasn't perfect when i got my GWM but i have sure learned alot since.
Did u get his beak trim. If not I would do that. From the picture it still needs to be trim. Good looking bird. Trim his beak he will look so much better and if he did happen to bite its going to hurt.
Yes, I'm a firm believer in wing clipping. Yep, you can take them to a person to get their wings clipped only to find that they aren't very good at it. They should have left a couple of the outside feathers which makes it look a bit better.

I guess I'm just spoiled with my mobile bird groomer service. They are great and spe******t at wing clipping.
Yea I have mine clip n they look great I know a lady that clips and trim beaks for large birds is 8 dollars. So u can't beat that. She does a great job.
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Apollo has been enjoying the great outdoors since his wing clipping. He just sits on my arm and takes it all in. He loves papaya! He's the gentlest bird I've ever interacted with. Even when he's angry he just takes your finger and pushes it away. He's really starting to grow on me! I'm shocked that my mom agrees that he's no problem at all and is the most well behaved macaw we have ever fostered. Here he is in my backyard yesterday!

Pacoparrot, I would advise you to take your Green Wing to an Aviary Vet and stay away from the Vet Tech. His wings are not clipped correctly and the beak is still way too long. The tip of his beak should be almost an inch shorter and the tip should be round and not pointed. Do you have a concrete perch inside the cage, if not, get one soon, my Macaw grinds his own beak down himself and has never had to have my Vet do it for him. I only take my boys to the vet for check ups and wing clippings, both my boys grind their beaks and nails on the concrete perches.
The pictures you are posting are awsome and your Macaw appears to be very happy. Best of luck to you both. Joe
Pacoparrot, I would advise you to take your Green Wing to an Aviary Vet and stay away from the Vet Tech. His wings are not clipped correctly and the beak is still way too long. The tip of his beak should be almost an inch shorter and the tip should be round and not pointed. Do you have a concrete perch inside the cage, if not, get one soon, my Macaw grinds his own beak down himself and has never had to have my Vet do it for him. I only take my boys to the vet for check ups and wing clippings, both my boys grind their beaks and nails on the concrete perches.
The pictures you are posting are awsome and your Macaw appears to be very happy. Best of luck to you both. Joe


He really seems to like the outdoors :) Be cautious regardless, because I have heard of wind being able to carry off an African Grey - not sure if a macaw is possible, but something to be conscious of on a windy day.
he sounds wonderful! I'm so jealous lol. You are taking wonderful care of him, i cant wait to see him grow into his new home and family :). Also, i know you're doing your best, but even if his wings are clipped, he can still fly away, i have heard too many stories of tragedy that happened that way. I suggest you make him wear a harness before going outside, just think of what would happen if he flew away. After all you said he can fly to his cage from his play stand, so if a gust of wind hit he could really soar. Good luck and I hope many years of joy for you and your bird! And welcome to the forum :D
Be very careful with him I lost a Galah whose wings were clipped when my 4 yr old opened the front door, I shouted close the door knowing the bird was out the cage and my shout scared the bird into flight he got out the door and the wind took him away I called his name and he turned to come back to me, but the wind gust caught him again and he couldn't get back. It was christmas day too. Worst christmas ever I might add. :(
My front door is now locked whenever my Ecky is out. I definitely recommend a harness for when he is outside.

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