Going to pick up a new macaw


New member
Jun 7, 2012
Scranton PA
Darwin- Male Ekkie
Charlie- Cinnamon GCC
Twiggy- Cockatiel
RIP Paco, Jack, and Echo </3
I work for parrot rescue as a foster and sometimes I also advertise and do pickups. I have a moderate amount of experience with macaws. I've fostered 2 B&Gs and one Scarlet for the rescue before. Tomorrow I'm picking up a Greenwing for fostering. From what the people told me he's extremely friendly, goes to everyone, and has never bitten anyone. Hopefully they aren't exaggerating, lol. The last macaw I had was pretty friendly also but she was a screamer and my mom doesn't like the noise they make. I'm HOPING I can get Apallo on the right track as soon as I get him here so maybe he'll behave like my other birds so maybe I could change my mom's opinion on macaws. Can anyone give me advise on how to work with him? I'm familiar with clicker training and plan on giving the bird seed, fresh fruits/veggies, soft foods, and a a couple nuts in shell everyday. I have PVC, rope, plasic chain, and large bird toys to keep him amused with and I'm also getting a stand with him. I'd like to adopt a macaw and I think Apallo would be my best bet.
I am so jealous.. I want a green wing!

I would only give seed as a treat, and feed him pellets instead. Definatly nuts, macaws need those for the fat :) They make great treats, one or two a day (two probably due to his size.)

Just take your time, GW's are great and I hope you enjoy him! Let him settle and relax and play it by ear.
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Okay I have 2 different types of pellets. Natural Gold(Yellow) and Pretty Bird Daily Select(Rainbow). I'm really hoping this works out. Since I'm doing the loooong drive to pick him and the other macaw (this one's going to the rescue) and I've been helping out a lot with the rescue, I'm really hoping if he's a good match for my situation that MAYBE he'll be a freebie. I figure since I'm doing all the work to get him here and I'll be fostering him...he won't be sucking up any rescue funds so why not right? I have to figure out how I could limit the screaming. My mom doesn't mind vocalizing but when they keep going on and on is when she gets annoyed. My mom is afraid of macaws because my uncles greenwing used to attack her. She always says she doesn't like them but once they're around for a while she starts to warm up (she even held a scarlet!) She loves our amazon Paco. He isn't exactly friendly but doesn't bite either and he likes her best. Hopefully the next time I post Apallo will be here!
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Here he is! Apallo the Greenwing Macaw! His previous owners were nice people and had the birds for about 10 years. They came with 2 giant cages, bags of good toys, a giant bin of pellets, seed, and nuts, and 2 stands. The rescue took the scarlet and one of the cages and I got to take everything else. It was a long drive--120 miles! Anyways, Apallo is acting great so far. He is in full feather and can fly. He stays on top of his cage and if you put him down anywhere else he flies back up there. He will step up without biting and even sit on your shoulder. He takes food from me and everything. He hasn't been too loud yet either. Doesn't anyone have any advice on how I can keep him content when I can't be near him during the day?
WOW, what a real beauty and a find. I'm pleasantly surprised that the previous owners didn't try and sell the birds rather than sending to a rescue center if they are that friendly with no bad habits. PLEASE don't allow him on your shoulder until you have become VERY familiar with him, this could be dangerous.
Apallo is just beautiful :) I agree, letting him on your shoulder until you really get to know him could be catastrophic!
Congrats on the GW, They are truely wonderful Macaws. They are more quiet then other Macaws so I hope this is the case for you and your Mom. He appears to be in great feather. I would advise you to clip the wings. The reason being, he is in a new home and not used to the sounds or actions of others, he may freak out and fly into something.

Couple of things here. I would not allow him on top of the cage, rather then placing them onto a play stand or java tree if you can find one.
Keeping a Macaw higher then your eyes is a no no, they can become cage protective or become agressive with you from high above.
I use Zupreme pellets high energy, plenty of fresh fruit and veggies. I use almonds, walnuts,palm nuts when I can find them. Brazil nuts. Change their water 3 times daily.

Start your relationship out slowly. Test them on what they will allow you to do, step up, petting, touching them all over to see if they will allow you without being bitten.

Make sure you have plenty of wood toys, GW love to chew wood and it's really good for their beaks.

Once your GW allows you to handle them, start the bonding with them and try to include them in your everyday routine, eat, play, and even bath with your macaw, taking showers with the Macaw is truely a fast way to bond with them and soon they will see you as part of the flock and see you as the alfa in the relationship.
Best of luck to you. Ask lots of questions here for advise along the way. Joe
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He's still doing great! My mom was talking to him yesterday so that's a first step. I was asked by his previous family to keep his wings intact so I want to respect that. If I put him on a stand he flies to his cage top but commonly climbs onto the open door instead of the top anymore. He doesn't both the other birds cages either! He came with a garbage bag filled with great toys so all my birds are set for a while! He steps up and will go in his cage with no issue and I can even pet his head and under his wings. I give pretty bird and natural gold pellets, fruit and veggies throughout the day, soft foods like beans, rice, and cooked corn, nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and seed mix. I've been giving him the nuts by hand. He got nervous this morning when the curtain blew open and flew to my arm. I thought that was pretty neat that instead of going crazy and flying into a wall he went to me for comfort. The only time he gets loud is when the vacuum is going, which is fine. I got 3 or 4 forging toys for the birds but they are a bit big for my guys. I got the plastic peanut with the holes for peanuts to be put in, a cylinder with holes for peanuts, a cup with a lid on a chain that when lifted up has compartments for treats, and a giant cage to stuff things in, like fruit and veggies.
Maybe you could attach some of those short perches on the outside of his cage to give him things to perch on besides the bars? That'll give him some more to play with and climb on, since he doesn't want the playstand yet :)

He sounds great.
Peanuts are not the best nut for birds and especially macaws. Walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, pine nuts are great for them. I use Peanuts only for a treat every so often but that is it.
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The previous owners gave me a huge bin filled with dried fruit, in shell almonds, in shell walnuts, in shell brazil nuts, and other nuts which I do not recognize off hand. It also has pumpkin seeds, and the basic large parrot seed mix. I usually give him fruit/veggies and single pellets as treats. I just gave him a bath. He didn't seem to mind it at all and he's almost dry now! I was playing my Good Bird Inc. Parrot Recordings cd for him and he seemed to like it.
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Apollo is still doing excellent! He will step up with no fuss or aggression and I can also pet his head and touch him anywhere. I can spread out his wings with little protest from him and I can even pick him up like a chicken. He is just an all around great bird! He has not been very vocal though. He's said hello a few times and made various "huh" noises and a couple short screams while the vacuum was running but other than that he's been quiet. I hope he adjusts well!
is it me or does his beak look like it needs a little trim.
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I was thinking the same thing.
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He seems to like to stay on or in his cage. If I take him off it and put him on a stand or a chair he just flies back to his cage...even if it's rooms away. What can I do to build trust with him so he'll feel safe off of his cage?
Just spend time with him everyday. Take him outside if his wings are clip. Gave him treats away from his cage so he knows its OK to be away from the cage.
Dont give up and give it time are the two biggest things because all macaws are different and what works for one may not work for another. I have all confidence you will work it out with him before you know it.

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