Going from Parakeets to a Conure


New member
May 11, 2015
8 yr-old parakeet
Soon to add a baby sun conure!
Hi everyone,

I've just joined this forum hoping to learn from some more experienced parrot families. I've had parakeets since I was a child (two pet store birds that I was able to hand-train when I was a teenager, and two hand raised birds we got for our sons). We're about to add a hand-raised baby sun conure to the family this summer. This one will be my 13-yr-old son's bird, although I'll be heavily involved as well.

I'm expecting to do something like new puppy training with the baby - teaching everything from Step Up to hand feeding and hopefully leash/harness training, plus a lot of bonding and play time.

Advice or suggestions welcome!
Hello and Welcome to the forum! I think you'll like it here! Enjoy your stay!

We have lots of sun conures on the forum, I'm sure their parronts will be willing to answer your questions.
Be prepared for noise! Look up a couple YouTube videos of sun conures screaming and anticipate that noise when he's hungry in the mornings, when he wants out, when he wants a specific person among other reasons. While Suns have great coloring and personality, my favorites have always been green cheeks due to the noise levels that come with Suns/Jendays. If you're not in an apartment or shared home like me, then get the sun and enjoy it! I love conures, they were the step up from parakeets and cockatiels for me as well.
I personally adore my green cheek conure. I had budgies and lovebirds and cockatiels before her, and it is a whole new ballgame. She is so snuggly and adorable I can barely handle it. Plus I love the little noises she makes when she's tired or being inquisitive. Enjoy whichever conure you decide to go with :) they are amazing.

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