getting a blue and gold

where I live blue and gold cost anywhere form 1300-1500 and Ive been looking around on the net and found this site and they have them for 950 and they ship think it was 1193 total
has anyone ever heard of them and are they good or bad thanks for ne input

YES, I've heard of them. My GF got 2 Galah Cockatoos from them, and she couldn't be happier. The babies arrived fully weaned, well socialized, sweet as can be, beautiful to boot, and 100% healthy (she had them checked by our avian vet within 24 hours upon their arrival). They truly have a stellar reputation. :)
Are you talking about the "Current" LED lighting system with the lightning option?
currents are ok I wouldn't get them ive had current before and they always broke and would only work for about a year year and half top but there parts are cheap to replace if u use there band I have theses ones right now the 27 inch ones

these are the ones im getting next month these ones do the storms clouds lighting they do it all Maxspect Mazarra P Series LED Module: LED Aquarium Light Fixtures
if u ever seen the lighting and storm on a tank It looks real
I can use the power supply from my other ones I got they are the same brand and I love them just costly but if u think of it as u don't have to change out ur bulbs every 4-5 months and the diff in power u save in the long run
I used to use t5 + mh for my lps and sps they grew and had good color but after I switch about 4 months later I did see better colors and a lot faster growth and im only running them at 80% power
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That price isn't bad at all!!!!! If I ever get back into reefing I have to look into it....better then what they used to cost....
I just think its cool you get a little piece or coral with a little color and in a few months u got a show piece my kid get into it they know how to test mix the water up and ph it they know what stuff they can hand feed and what to stay away from I got stung by a loin few 4 months ago ive never felt pain like that before went to er it hurt so bad it was my fault was moveing some rocks and hit him with my hand so now I got some thick gloves
Your not keeping the lion in the reef tank are you???
yea he ate my fire shimp didn't hurt anything else and when I have baby clown fish he eats them but the lion fish only eat one shrimp so far I got a snowflake ell in there too he hasn't hurt a thing not my carpet which is about 16 inches round has about 9 clownfish that live in it and it ate 2 tangs so far I seen it but u can keep lion fish in reef tank just have to watch them around shrimp and I got way to many shrimp I pretty sure they are breeding and I got some clown gobies that breed in my tank to I would that them out if I could catch them cause they nest in the soft parts of the coral and rip it up it comes back just got 5 new brains and my clown fish was doing the dance on one and went in its mouth and came back out now ive never seen that the diff brain are my fav tring to get one of each going to take awhile
I could go on forever about saltwater im down sizing the number of tanks I have got one left for free its a 65 gal with a few fish and 50# of purple rock trying to make room for macaw cage at one time I had 6 reef tank then I thought ill just get one big one and put all stuff in there so that's what I did
when im light come on ill try and find my camra and take a pic of my tank looks better then any tank Ive seen in any pet store and theres more carol in there then any pet store has around here over 100 diff types
I had a pair of Picasso Onyx mix clown pair that lays eggs often but I didn't want to get into raising them so when they hatch they become fish food for the other fish. I watched my clowns grow from under the size of a dime to full grown. I had to feed them frozen cyclopeeze to help them grow. It was sad for me to sell my tanks but I'm over it cause I prefer my birds over tanks.
has anyone ever used this cage found it for $559 free shipping Avian Adventures Hacienda Dometop Bird Cage
cause I got one of those cages I bought together but the replace the trays is 172 not counting shipping so I was going to sell it and buy this one
its 48x34x77
I had a pair of Picasso Onyx mix clown pair that lays eggs often but I didn't want to get into raising them so when they hatch they become fish food for the other fish. I watched my clowns grow from under the size of a dime to full grown. I had to feed them frozen cyclopeeze to help them grow. It was sad for me to sell my tanks but I'm over it cause I prefer my birds over tanks.

I got a pair of blacker ice think that's what they are looks like the snow flake clown but black and some smaller Picasso and one plan the blacker ice ones are the bonded pair they do there little dances together I used to put the eggs in a ten gallon when the started to change color but to many would live so now its just the smartest one live

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