
Yeah but if you want to see cool animals in the wild, why not go to Africa where you can see lions and monkeys and giraffes

I would prefer to see a lion rather than a possum

Everyone is different. How safe is it to travel alone all around Africa ? Can you speak all the different languages ? How much of the wildlife sees you as its next meal ? For an older traveler or family this is a very safe country to travel. We dont have many Nut-Jobs going around shooting at you. Clean water and disease free places are everywhere. And the male Platypus is the only venomous mammal found. I see Platypus quite often. You take for granted what you have, it is interesting for an over-seas traveller seeing their first kangaroo, they always want to stop and take pictures.
I dont want to travel to Africa ;)
I would never ever go there!
I dont like African animals either, same with Australian animals!

I dont want to travel anywhere except ireland or england hahahaha

I dont understand why anyone travels anywhere, spends thousands of dollars just to look at stuff.. But this is just the way i am.. i am not like most people!

Yes Australia may be safe, but we still are not perfect, people still get killed here ! It isnt safe ANYWHERE to travel alone....
We have nut jobs as well!!!!

I dont take it for granted... i just dont like it here, because i am half english ;)

But as you said, everyone is different! :)

Note to self, Australians are very protective about their country :rolleyes:
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I dont want to travel to Africa ;)
I would never ever go there!
I dont like African animals either, same with Australian animals!

I dont want to travel anywhere except ireland or england hahahaha

I dont understand why anyone travels anywhere, spends thousands of dollars just to look at stuff.. But this is just the way i am.. i am not like most people!

Yes Australia may be safe, but we still are not perfect, people still get killed here ! It isnt safe ANYWHERE to travel alone....
We have nut jobs as well!!!!

I dont take it for granted... i just dont like it here, because i am half english ;)

But as you said, everyone is different! :)

Note to self, Australians are very protective about their country :rolleyes:

We're proud of our country, Tab, there's a difference. I've travelled fairly widely (including to US and UK) and love aspects of overseas countries. I especially loved the countryside in UK- but the cities, yuk (outside the parts worth visiting, archaeological sites and historic buildings, museums etc). Makes me value Oz even more!
All together now:

'The love of field and coppice,
Of green and shaded lanes.
Of ordered woods and gardens
Is running in your veins,
Strong love of grey-blue distance
Brown streams and soft dim skies
I know but cannot share it,
My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror -
The wide brown land for me!'

Snif! Pass the tissues please!
Betrisher: :( :( I wish that I was an Aussie. I'm a Texan, so I say, "y'all" WAY too often. I think that my accent is kind of southern, but not nearly as heavy as, say, "Sookie & co" from True Blood, lol.

Mike17: British comedy is the best!
I'd love to hear your accent, faeryphoebe1. I've found that interesting people are always attached to different accents. I bought the audio books of the True Blood series and the person who narrates it has *the* most delicious Louisiana accent. I haven't seen the TV show (don't watch TV). Is it good?
Betrisher: :( :( I wish that I was an Aussie. I'm a Texan, so I say, "y'all" WAY too often. I think that my accent is kind of southern, but not nearly as heavy as, say, "Sookie & co" from True Blood, lol.

Mike17: British comedy is the best!
I really like some southern accents :) the only American accents I don't like are the crazy deep south "redneck" accent, and people who talk "ghetto" lol
Betrisher, imo, the series is shocking but great. You just never know what will happen next. I've read the first 2 or 3 books of the Southern Vampire Mysteries. The show's plot seems to drift quite a bit from that of the books.

Copperarabian: Have you heard the "Turtleman" yodel? That sound can make dogs cry! It's totally cringeworthy. :eek:
Welcome! We look forward to seeing you around!!
Welcome to the forum. I personally love American accents especially southern ones.
Betrisher: :( :( I wish that I was an Aussie. I'm a Texan, so I say, "y'all" WAY too often. I think that my accent is kind of southern, but not nearly as heavy as, say, "Sookie & co" from True Blood, lol.

Mike17: British comedy is the best!

You actually get British comedy there, Phoebe? Is that on pay TV (I think you call it "cable" although it arrives from a satellite therefore wireless:)) I wouldn't have though Americans would understand British humour (especially black humour:)). We get plenty of American TV of course but I only watch a few specials (documentaries, mostly) plus the Pawnshop one from Vegas and American Restorations (although I hate the way the guys talk to each other, what a horrible workplace!) but love the workmanship, although I do wonder how grown men can drool over an old gum machine:) I frankly don't think much US comedy is funny, too much slapstick. We Aussies like to laugh at ourselves as of course, do the British.

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