gcc won't step up


New member
Jun 20, 2015
Hi everyone,
I've had my green cheek for a about two and a half weeks now. I refer to her as a sheet but I honestly have no idea. I've built a great bond, she loves when I pet her and as soon as I walk I'm the door she comes to the front of her cage to say hello. She also goes to which ever perch I tap on and waits for me to pet her. The thing is I absolute can not get her to step up, as soon as I put my finger to her belly she steps away. Any thoughts or ideas?
Sounds like you need to get her out of the cage another way. Your bird is probably attached to the cage and doesn't want to leave it. I'd let your bird to come out on its own and see if you can get her to step up.
Hi sean.pie,

Have you read any about clicker training? It is very effective way to teach step up.

You specifically mention that you put your finger on her belly; this may just be an invasion of space for her. Try offering your finger lower, more toward her feet, or even by her belly but not touching, and saying "step up" rather than pushing on her. I almost never have to touch my birds bellies, and when I do they usually don't like it. Typically I only resort to that when they NEED to be moved and are resisting.
Does she like millet? Or is there another food she goes crazy for? Will she accept treats from your hand?

You can place your hand between her and her favorite food, as she comes towards it tell her to step up and give her a bite. Always reward her as she makes advanced progress towards you. If she places one food on you even for a nano second reward her. Take it very slow, move very slow. It can take a while so be consistent, and over time she will be stepping up.

One more thing. If she steps up right away, don't walk away, stay put and reward her. She may hop on then hop off, that's good she is testing to see if your a safe perch :) so just hang out, let her think she is in charge as you call the shots, but doing it within her comfort zone
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Hey guys little update. Her cage has the option to open the top and set a perch across it, and she loves being up there. Last night I opened it, held some millet out and placed a perch between her in the millet. I got her on and away from the cage pretty easily and took her into another room. She did step up a few times in there, but I only spend about 15 minuets on it because I didn't want to stress her out.

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