Gasoline? Please help with info.

Something you might want to think about doing is a solid privacy fence. Fumes might still reach the window but I would think it would cut it down a lot.
Get the local EPA rep involved...then call animal control every time that dog is running loose.
Could the fumes be entering through the soffits in the house....I do believe carbon monoxide is a heavy if a breeze lifts it to he soffits it would tend to settle in the house.....

If so you might look into sealing the soffits on that side of the house....Not the best Idea as the attic needs to breeze but might solve your problem..
Thank you. Not sure. No issues again. Like i said his after thought garage was built right on the property line. Go figure we have a big lot but that particular side idoes not have a lot if space from my neighbor, well it did until he built further out by adding a garage.

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