Gandalf the crow is obsessed with...


New member
Feb 12, 2014
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United States
Spoons! He threw a temper tantrum because everybody around him had one, but he didn't.

So how do Crows throw temper tantrums? Lol
He refused to sit on the hand, was baiting (jumping off and hanging upside down), and cawing until he got in is spoon. He instantly calmed down.
He even tried to fly to another couple's table and steal their spoon.
Well of course he wants a spoon! He's gonna dig he way out of his cage one night.....
LOLOLOL! Crows are insane! Has he figured out how to open cabinets? When I had a crow he would get jealous of us using cups and plates and silverware. He somehow figured (from watching me) to open the cabinets when I was gone, and went in there and tossed out all the cups, saucers and glasses where they crashed and shattered to the floor.
Has gandalf picked up any words yet? He's so cute :)
Give him a shiny coin to keep him distracted :p
LOLOLOL! Crows are insane! Has he figured out how to open cabinets? When I had a crow he would get jealous of us using cups and plates and silverware. He somehow figured (from watching me) to open the cabinets when I was gone, and went in there and tossed out all the cups, saucers and glasses where they crashed and shattered to the floor.
Has gandalf picked up any words yet? He's so cute :)

He says "Hello", makes rooster noises, barks like a dog, and does his best impression of a cat.

He has figured out how to open and close drawers. He isn't destructive because we give him outlets for these behaviors. He has his own storage drawer shelf where his toys are housed, and he may open them and pull them out as he wishes. We're currently working on him putting them away when he's done.
Putting toys back when done! WOW! I've been trying to train my son (human) for 9 years with little success!
Wowwwwww. that is sooo cool! Where do you get a crow? I would love to dd one to my flock^^ He sure is beautiful! I love the pic :)

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