Galah facts!

You didn't have to brush your hair! I love the name Rocky, you could tell he's going to cause some trouble, he's doing the googly eye in the picture
He looks adorable. Rocky is a great name. You can't even tell you haven't done your hair... You wanna see me when my hair isn't done... Actually no you don't ....LOL
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  • #44
Thanks guys :D
BTW I never look like that LOL... I kind of looked possessed in that photo :eek:
(I usually look like the avatar pic)
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  • #45
It's normal 4 them 2 grind their beaks right?
And also I got him 2 love apples :D
He's so cute ! Have you planned on free flight training him ? They look like they really are gods creatures when they do.
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  • #52
What fruits and veggies can I feed him? He already loves apple.
Start sprouting seeds and things :D I went to the cheap shop and bought a plastic cake tin and a stainless steel colander and made a sprouting thing out of it, they fit perfectly together.

1. Grab some seeds and green lentils and chickpeas
2. Place them into the colander and place the colander into the cake container
3. Fill the cake container with hot water from the tap (dont boil it)
4. Put some apple cider vinegar into the water and wash the seeds really well by shaking the colander inside the cake container in the water.
5. Take the colander out of the water, empty the water from the cake container and rinse the seeds in the colander under the tap.
6. Repeat step 4 & 5 one more time.
7. Place the colander inside the empty cake container. Fill the container until the seeds are covered with water.
8. Place the cake container lid over the colander, if you get the white one from woolies it will fit perfectly on top and allow the seeds to soak overnight. In the morning, repeat steps 4 & 5 and then leave the water out of the cake container this time.
9. Leave the seeds to sprout near a window if possible, the light encourages them to grow.
10. Wash them twice a day as per steps 4 & 5 :) They should sprout fairly quickly. Don't feed them to your bird until they have at least 2cm sprouts coming out of them. Once they have 2cm or more sprouts you can pop a little apple cider vinegar over them and pop them in the fridge. :)

You can also feed him frozen vege mix (thawed in hot water and then drained) with a little apple cider vinegar sprinkled over the top. This is much easier than cutting up vege daily. Don't feed your bird any seeds from apples or any other fruit other than kiwi fruit.
You can also buy a frozen berry mix by "Nanna" which my birds love (and I make smoothies for myself) but just keep in mind if you feed the blackberries and blueberries their poop will stain things LOL
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Thanks, he's sitting on the top of my computer screen right now:)
Apple is good but more of a treat, the best fresh foods are dark leafy greens(kale, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, dandelion leaves), squash and peppers are fantastic for them.

I make a chop mix for Rosie. I chop a bunch of fresh and prepared foods up very finely then freeze them in baggies containing a weeks worth of food.

I used this recipe for my chop mix, it cost around $29 for all the supplies but is enough to last around 3 months if not a little more. A exciting thing is I don't have to worry about running out of fresh produce or the produce going bad quickly. Before I made the chop mix I was spending $15 a week on her fresh food and more then half was thrown away. She still gets her fresh foods but it's not daily and not as expensive as it had been.
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  • #55
Thanks, while my family and I were out Rocky set of the alarm sensor(our alarm is really loud), when we came back he was calm but had his crest up and there were seeds everywhere (you could tell he was thrashing around the cage). Will he be alright? I played with him for about 45 mins and he was fine. (While we're out I will move his cage into the kitchen from now on,( ATM his cage is in the lounge room).
Most fruit and veg are safe. No onion or Avocado though both toxic for birds.
I always have to add that galahs must be fully flighted, if not you are cutting it's life span and eventually it will get fatty liver disease or fatty tumors. The average life span of a clipped Galah is around 30/40 but they can live to be 60/70+ if allowed proper exercise and fed a good varied diet. With fully flighted birds training recall is a must, my galah will fly to me but only from a person so I'm working hard on that. if she landed on something high she wouldn't want to fly off. Tough thing to train them out of, one way is to not rescue them. If they land on a light/window or something don't run over and take them down because they'll expect the same thing if they land in a 60' tall tree. You have to wait for them to fly down even if it takes several hours. I'm not suggesting you free fly your bird, that's dangerous and even I wouldn't do it unless I was trained by a professional that I trusted.

I've recently started taking Rosie out to the park with her aviator harness and a 100' rope to let her fly, she's not quite fit enough to enjoy it yet since about 8 months ago she was recovering from organ failure(caused by a bad diet in her last home) and being severely underweight. I never force her to fly and she only does 2 or 3 flights to avoid muscle aches.


What size aviator do you have on her?
I want to get one... but corellas are a bit bigger than galahs... I cant decide on a medium or small
I always have to add that galahs must be fully flighted, if not you are cutting it's life span and eventually it will get fatty liver disease or fatty tumors. The average life span of a clipped Galah is around 30/40 but they can live to be 60/70+ if allowed proper exercise and fed a good varied diet. With fully flighted birds training recall is a must, my galah will fly to me but only from a person so I'm working hard on that. if she landed on something high she wouldn't want to fly off. Tough thing to train them out of, one way is to not rescue them. If they land on a light/window or something don't run over and take them down because they'll expect the same thing if they land in a 60' tall tree. You have to wait for them to fly down even if it takes several hours. I'm not suggesting you free fly your bird, that's dangerous and even I wouldn't do it unless I was trained by a professional that I trusted.

I've recently started taking Rosie out to the park with her aviator harness and a 100' rope to let her fly, she's not quite fit enough to enjoy it yet since about 8 months ago she was recovering from organ failure(caused by a bad diet in her last home) and being severely underweight. I never force her to fly and she only does 2 or 3 flights to avoid muscle aches.


What size aviator do you have on her?
I want to get one... but corellas are a bit bigger than galahs... I cant decide on a medium or small
Galahs wear a small aviator harness, online it should say what size fits which birds, or birds around that size. The head loop isn't adjustable but the pat that goes around the body and becomes the lead has a lot of extra line if your bird is stockier. Galahs are a little more streamlined then a corella :)
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