Free Mobile App For Pet Bird Lovers!

Other issues with iOS! I just created a profile and saved it. When I try to do anything, it tells me I need to create a profile first and brings me to a blank page! Yes, I did publish it!

Edit: my bad, requires an avatar!
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Hi Flboy

Glad you figured it out and apologies for any inconvenience. Let me know if you come across any other issues or if there are any new features you'd like to see in the app.

I noticed a small mistake: in the picture of red bellied parrots are two senegal parrots instead
Wow Rozalka, you have good eyes! For me it took a good few minutes to notice the difference between the two species as they both have similar fronts but yes, the red bellied parrot is greyer on its back and wings.

Thank you so much! I will definitely fix this for the next release.

By the way, have you looked at the new sound library yet? I'm wondering what people think of it.
By the way, have you looked at the new sound library yet? I'm wondering what people think of it.
yes, I've tried. Zenek hearing other GCC's stopped eating a carrot and Romek hearing other budgies stopped singing then

There in the sound libary is 2xsenegal category include one empty
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Well, at least it had some effect! My sun conure started bobbing its head to the sounds of other conures. Since for most species there are a number of different sound files, I guess some of them may contain the bird equivalent of 'Look out! There's a guy with a microphone hiding in the bushes!!'.
Hi Everyone

The new version of the BirdBuddy app is now available. It has the following changes:

- Added pet bird 'news' section in new 'Extras' menu item
- Corrected wrong image of red breasted poicephalus bird in knowledge base (thanks user Rozalka)
- Tidied up listing of available birds in Sound Library section (thanks user Rozalka)
- Added 10 chicken breeds to supported birds list (coz chickens can be pets too! thanks user Fartface66)
- Fixed memory handling issue which led to the app crashing on some devices when searching user profiles in BBSpace (thanks user Shezbug)
- Fixed search-by-username in BBSpace
- Improved UI and performance of search config in BBSpace

The app is coming along nicely and I hope it proves useful to you. Let me know if you have any questions, problems or suggestions.

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Hi All

The new version of BirdBuddy is out now with the following changes:

- added 5 free bird-related games in 'Extras' section
- added slide-out instruction sections to selected pages to help with use
- improved search config UI and performance
- minor fixes and improvements

I hope it proves useful to people. Enjoy!
Hi Everyone

The new version of BirdBuddy is out with the following changes:

- Added 'Continue with Facebook' button to streamline the setting up of user profiles
- Added 'View In BBSpace' button in Edit Profile section so users can see their own profiles as shown in the BBSpace social network page
- Added in-app purchases as subscription options for unlocking extra functions and access to the BBSpace social network page
- Added 'Hybrid Macaw' as a supported bird type (thanks user OK_Mike)
- Added new icons for Extras section
- Minor fixes and improvements

For the first time, there are areas of the app which are no longer free because I've got server costs to pay and there's very little coming in from the advertising in the app.

Some functions - such as setting up bird profiles, bird news, the sound library and the bird games - continue to be free. But those functions which require the use of the BirdBuddy server - such as saving user/bird profiles to our cloud server - will require a small subscription fee. For full details about what's free and premium, see the BirdBuddy/My Bird Buddy download page in the app/play store.

For those users who have previously used our cloud server functionality and now find they must subscribe to continue using it, don't worry - your previously saved data is safe and can be accessed same as before once the subscription is made.

Thanks for supporting our app and let me know if you have any questions, issues or suggestions.

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I noticed another photo error: instead of rainbow lorikeet is coconut lorikeet*
*In older classification they are one species but I see latin name Trichoglossus moluccanus - older verson (where they are the one species) is Trichoglossus heamotodus or something simillar
I noticed another photo error: instead of rainbow lorikeet is coconut lorikeet*
*In older classification they are one species but I see latin name Trichoglossus moluccanus - older verson (where they are the one species) is Trichoglossus heamotodus or something simillar

Thanks for the info Rozalka. I'll take a look at it and make the required change for the next release.

Hi All

There have been a couple of updates to the app since the last update so here are the changes that have been added:

- Print out your bird images and data
- Send your bird data and pictures via email
- Added 'App Settings' box in home page for customizing fonts and colors (thanks users Lincee and Bill)
- Added 'Pairs' section for users to document paired birds
- Added '1 Week Free Trial' option in subscription page
- Removed footer advertising throughout app
- Added 'New Features' box in home page
- Fixed Sound Library icon
- Fixed image of Rainbow Lorikeet (thanks user Rozalka)
- Added scrollable action button section in My Birds List
- Non-subscribers can now view BBSpace
- Minor fixes and improvements
- Added 'Back' button in subscription page
- Improved home page performance and display
- Fixed problem with extra images in My Birds on Android

Any feedback is always welcome and I hope its useful for you.

Hi All

A new version of BirdBuddy is available now. The upgrades are:

- Added new Q&A section
- Added Q&A widget to home page
- Added links to BBSpace and Q&A sections in home page
- Fixed issue when Facebook picture is used as avatar
- Fixed home page performance issue on initial startup
- Other minor fixes and improvements

I'd be most grateful if you could take a look and let me know what you think.


Hey everyone

A new version of BirdBuddy is available now from the App/Play store. Changes include:

- Added 'Like' system in BBSpace's Pet Birds section - signed in or not, you can 'like' another user's pet bird profile and - if signed in - see who liked your pet bird's profile
- Added pet bird videos in home screen - browse people's pet bird videos from around the world
- Chat function now available without subscription
- In home screen, click usernames to see their profiles in BBSpace
- Fixed date labels in Metrics graphs
- Added 'notes' in Featured Bird section of home screen
- Smaller fixes and improvements

Hope you like it. Let me know what you think!

Hi Everyone

Just to let you know, the new version of BirdBuddy is out now with the following improvements:

- New 'Recipes' page in Diet section
- Users are now notified when other users interact with their content (eg likes, votes and replies to questions)
- Added 5 new breeds of Quail
- Added Canary-Winged Parakeet to supported species (thanks user AkasyaEllric)
- Added Society Finches and African Ringneck Parakeets (thanks user FinchFeathers)

As usual, if you find any bugs or have any questions or suggestions, please let me know here.

Kind regards

Hi All

Just to let y'all know, the new version of BirdBuddy is available and the only major change is that its now back to being 100% free - no more in-app purchases and no advertising. In the app store it may say there are in-app purchases but i've disabled them programmatically within the app, so sections such as Life Events (diary) and Metrics logging are now free again. I'll just have to find another way of making money lol.

Search 'My Bird Buddy' in app store or 'BirdBuddy' in play store if you want to check it out.

I forgot about this app existence.... I logged in after 2 years and I feel like OP stopped updating. All photos don't work any longer. I tried to update photos of Zenek and Angela, but they don't work neither

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