Found two birds Need Help!!!

Loryn Taylor

New member
Jul 13, 2009
I am so glad I found this forum. My name is Loryn, HELLO!!!

I have a bird feeder outside and saw two birds that look like lovebirds. They are green in the body, with an orange head, and blue under the wings and the tail. I don't know what to do. I have never heard of parrots living outside and surviving, unless they are in their correct environment. I live in Las Vegas so it is warm right now. I put water out for them, but I would love to catch them, and give them a nice home. They are hanging out with the wild birds and and always stick together. They seem happy out there with the other birds and each other but very dirty.

Here is a picture of one of them.

I need help..............:(
I'm surprised no one has answered you yet. Those are definitely peach-faced lovebirds. I would call your local avian vet and ask what she/he thinks would be the best way to catch them. They may even come and help you. I'd try putting a cage out with proper (and enticing) food in it first, and see if they remember that yummy food comes in cages. Best of luck, I hope you catch them!
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Hey guys, and Gals, thank you so much for posting and letting me know about the Peach face cutie pie!!! I apologize for the long post, but I wanted to share with you my findings!!! :)

I did some research and found these two sites. I also received a reply for a guy in PHX who is tracking this little guys.

Here are the links I found:

And here is the information he sent me:

Thank you for letting me know about the Lovebirds in your back yard. Did you put a location on the lovebird map? You can if you want to, the map isn't just for Phoenix.

Lovebirds seem to prefer untrimmed palm trees as their roost location. Next is either Saguaro or spanish tile roofs If you have palm trees near your place then I would suspect that the lovebirds are roosting there. Even if you have saguaro you may not have the woodpecker that makes the holes.
Spanish tile you probably have nearby at somebody's house, if not yours.
The bird house idea will probably not work, but there is no harm in trying.
The problem is that Las Vegas, like Phoenix, is just too darn hot for small wooden bird houses. Unless the bird house is thermally coupled to a big tank of water, or a big, shaded, cottonwood or eucalyptus tree trunk, then it won't stay cool enough in the afternoon. So, none of the birds will use it, including lovebirds. If you were to build a big bird house that was surrounded by concrete, shaded from the sun, and cooled by concrete connected to the ground, then maybe that would work. Too big a project for most people. Anyway, a tile roof seems to stay cool enough because it is so big and massive, and maybe it gets some shade in the afternoon, that works in Phoenix for lots of lovebirds.

The food you put out would keep them coming to your yard. Just don't put out avocado or anything with avocado in it (like guacamole) or chocolate.
Lovebirds like all the fruits like apples and oranges and bananas. Left over bagels, muffins, and other bread items are popular. They like corn (fresh or cooked corn), uncooked carrots, raw or cooked potatoes, and anything that might go in a salad, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. The lettuce and celery doesn't have much food value so i wouldn't put that out a lot.

You already know about how they like the seeds, lots of people have big sunflowers in their yard and lovebirds go nuts for these. They hang on the sunflowers for long periods eating both green and mature sunflower seeds.

I hope this answers some of the questions you have. I think it would be worth figuring out where they are roosting so you could tell me. We have lots of data from Phoenix about roost sites but nothing from Las Vegas. I am curious to know if they are picking the same sites there.

Since you have more than 1 or 2 lovebirds that sounds like more than a simple pet accidental release. Maybe you are seeing the beginning of what has happened in Phoenix. If you see or hear about breeding lovebirds in Las Vegas please let me know.

Thanks again,


Thank you so much for replying to me!!! :)

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