Found this gal at the shelter.

can any of our ringneck members testify about a female vs male in vocal qualities? I love seeing youtube videos of ringnecks talking, but it seems most are males. Not that it matters, just curious to other members birdos.

also, she is a lutino? Does that sound right?

also, she is doing great after almost 4 weeks. We will be introducing her to the flock soon. She still is very cautious of hands. I have learned that most of her threats to bite are fake, she runs and flaps away at the sight of hands but I can grab her and hold her and she does not bite hard at all. She is so gentle but she does the motions still, grips my finger with her beak over and over as if shes giving me fatal blows but there is no pressure. I find it strange, she's so afraid of my hands but she doesn't hurt me. She is letting me get closer and closer though so the next stage is setting her cage near the rest of the flock so they can mingle. The animal shelter gives adopters one vet visit for free. The vet I went to told me that I know more than they do about birds and they claim to be an avian vet. Her reasoning was that they really only care for injured wildlife birds. what a waste, I bet they billed the shelter anyways, jerks. She wouldn't do the physical exam in front of me, and I found that strange too. I doubt they even took her out of the cage.
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She steps up! kinda...

[ame=""]Getting a stubborn parrot to step up - YouTube[/ame]
Just seeing this thread. Belated congratulations on the new addition to your flock! She's beautiful! And such a gentle soul.

I'd only suggest that you change your approach a wee bit. Since she seems so nervous about hands, perhaps you should build her trust first. Help her to associate hands with fun time and good treats. The goal is to get her to want to be on your hand, rather than becoming resigned to be there. Know what I mean? After all, there's no telling what her life was like, before. She may have a very good reason for thinking hands are evil incarnate.

Best bet for this is to work with her maybe an hour before her next meal, when she'll be at her hungriest. And start with target training. Target training is a great place to begin, as it will get her into a routine that initially doesn't involve hands at all. And as trust grows, as well as her understanding that going where you ask inevitably leads to good things, she'll be much more disposed following your lead... even when said lead will take her to your hand.

Here is my favorite link on target training: [ame=""]Beginners guide to target training parrots - YouTube[/ame]

Once she has mastered target training, you can then target her to your hand. By then, just the activity of working together on this will have deepened your bond.
I feel cheated -why can't I see photos on this thread?
I feel cheated -why can't I see photos on this thread?

Really? That's strange. I'm seeing all the photos just fine on both my laptop and cell phone. Perhaps if you tried reloading the page? Or quitting the browser and then signing back in?
....Sob.... still no pictures. I just have to believe how lovely she is ...Sob!
I have never done target training, I may adopt this method. Currently, she is coming around and accepts that I have to wrap my hands around her to pick her up, she allows it but bluffs. I honestly just think she never learned stepping up but I don't know her history at all.

She'd started to make a bunch of noise, and wow what a unique call IRNs have.

as for why the pics aren't showing up, how about the videos?
I have one for sure male and one that I had been previously 90% sure was a male....who's behaving like a female more and more everyday. Both talk up a storm. A friend has a couple of hens who are pretty chatty too....I'm not convinced there's a lot of difference.

Peanut without the brittle is pretty cute. I googled what rhymes with peanut, because the change might have less of an effect, but only came up with donut and butt. I renamed both of my birds. Henry was Casper, and Clarke was Buddy, I think....but they were both under a year. Does she actually respond to Peanut?

LOL at a unique call....that's one way to describe it!

And I can see the videos, no photos :/ Using Chrome with an addblocker, if that means anything to anyone.

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