found injured love

How is your foundling this morning? I hope all is well.
Little bird will need to have the wound cleaned and put on antibiotics. Hope you can take care of finding him or her an avian doc asap.
I would walk into any vets office and show them the bird. Even if not an avian vet they should be able to clean up that wound. You have to advocate for your animals. I have begged more than one vet to give me antibiotic injections(which I administered) for my goldfish, bringing dosing instructions I found researching. If you think finding an avian vet is hard, fish vets are almost unheard of!

Prayers for the lovie.
I am in Riverside, CA too! There is a great avian vet in San Diego named Dr. Jeffrey R. Jenkins at the Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital. He is kind and knowledgeable. It's a bit of a drive, but he is excellent and all my birds go to him.
I've only just read this thread, but it reminded me of a thing that happened to me many years ago and I thought I'd share it with you all, just to illustrate what happens when caged birds escape.

One morning, I was making a nourishing chocolate cake. Happy at the prospect of eating it, I was singing away as I beat the batter with my wooden spoon. Owing to my song, I nearly didn't hear the sound that sent me rushing outside, cake batter, bowl, spoon and all.

'Squawk!' it went: 'Peep, peep, peep SQUAWK!!!'

(I have to digress here and say that I'm a serious birdwatcher - have been for years - and my particularly favourite kinds of bird are Australian birds of prey).

So you can imagine my surprise when I looked overhead to see an Australian Brown Goshawk, flying about twelve feet above my head with a poor little Peachfaced Lovebird in his talons! My first reacton was 'Wah! A Goshawk at last!' (never having seen one in the flesh before). My second reaction was 'Gotta save that poor little creature' and so without even pausing to think, I chucked my wooden spoon straight at the Goshawk.

It worked! The predator dropped the little Peachie forthwith and all I had to do was bellow to the woman next door (where the tiny bird had plummetted). Mr Goshawk had, by now, landed on her roof and was poised to launch off and regain the Peachy. Luckily, my neighbour flapped her teatowel at him and he flew off. She grabbed the Peachy in the towel and handed him to me over the fence. He remained with us for many years until a blasted Butcher Bird got him through the bars of his cage.

One phenomenon I've observed is that Australian birds, brightly coloured as they are, still seem to blend right into the landscape in a way that I don't quite understand. (Try to spot a Crimson Rosella or a King Parrot in the wild). Exotic birds stick out and become an easy target for predators, such as Mr Goshawk on that day. Of course, caged birds have no idea where to find pellets and grated veggies and water out in the world, so they starve fairly quickly. I'm so glad I saved Mr Peachy, if only for a while.

I hope it's OK to post this story here. If not, will someone please direct me on the proper etiquette? Thanks! :)
How is your little rescue doing? Do you have any updates yet?
Betrisha when I read your post I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, But the images of you running out with your cake mix and throwing the wooden spoon and then your neighbor running out flashing her tea towel won out and I had to laugh:D
i know foods to keep it heathy cause they cant just eat seeds. can THEY CAN EAT:
- Silver beets
- Red and green bell peppers
- Broccoli
- Dandelion flowers
- Corn on the cob or corn kernels
- Chick weed
- Banana
- Apple
- Kale
- Celery
- mung beans
- snow peas
- Blackberries
- Raspberries
- Brown rice
- Chicken

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