Fostering a sennie named Jake


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Guelph Ontario
1 red bellied parrot (Mango), 3 cockatiels (Bugsie, Alfie, and Bananas)
Hey guys,
I just confirmed the arrival of my new foster baby tomorrow. Pictures and updates coming soon. Ill be counting on you all to help! He has lived most of his life in a spare bedroom by himself with the door closed:(. He didnt even have a window :mad:. Poor baby is very well behaved, but scared of people. Im looking forward to the challenge and helping him find a forever family!

Poor little guy. Thank you for rescuing him. You will find a lot of help in this community. :)
Awwwwww, what a shame, that this was the only way the past owners knew how to care for this bird. Senegal's are such neat little birds. They are like a Macaw in a small body. It will just take and patience on your part.
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Thanks everyone, he arrives tonight 7:30pm. Im leaving work early to pick up extra treats and toys for Mango just to make sure he doesnt get jealous or upset. Any advice on how best to prevent that? We will obviously spend lots of time with him still, he is usually out of his cage when we are home and that wont change. Neither can currently fly, although they both get around rather well. Apparently Jake ignores other birds in general, but I have no idea how Mango will react. To my knowledge he has never met another bird since he left the breeders. I dont want them to come into direct contact as I dont want to be breaking up fights, and Jake is ultimately up for adoption. I do hope that they can chat with eachother though when they have the house to themselves. Im so excited I could burst. I absolutely adore my red belly, I have often considered how fun it would be to have a whole mob of Mangos. I say mob because he really is quite the boss.
Nice of you to be giving him this chance! Good luck :)
I can never imagine a bird not seeing daylight, the poor thing. His life is about to change in the best way possible, congratulations! I have a Sennie too, and is a real snuggle bug.

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