For Labell

Thank you for posting such wonderful pictures of Zoe. I enjoy your posts and reading about her adventures and personality.

I love my Valentino and was able to enjoy the BTM he had play dates with until they moved out of town. Their BTM was younger than Valentino so he was easier to handle because he just wanted to be held and cuddled. If I did not already have a RFM I would want a BTM.

One thing I have not ever been able to get use to is their propensity to jump at the face and grab with their beaks. It is most nerve wracking when Valentino will be calmly chilling out with me and then suddenly jump at my face and grab my nose or the bridge of my nose along with that weird hissing sound of play they do. I can't help but startle EVERY time he does this so of course he LOVES doing it. I do find it rather odd he grabs the end of my nose and pumps it like its going to magically squirt formula for him. I can handle getting assaulted by the tongue but the face jumping I don't think I will ever get use too. I admit I do worry about sexual maturity and hormones so I discourage this behavior but so far have failed with success of stopping it completely.

I have a friend that is going to stay with me this week and help me pack up my house. She loves Valentino but the "eyeball licking drinking the eye juice" thing he does to me freaks her out. LOL
Yep, Zoe does that exact face lunging and hissing thing. She's given me a nice scratch a couple of times since the skin on my face is very sensitive. I'm usually fast enough to put my hand up to block her, but not always.
This is us watching Dracula

And one of baby Joey, just because.
You know, I already have a HUGE case of MBS and seeing all these mushy pics of beautiful Zoe isn't helping me one bit! :p

Zilla seems to agree since she is kissing all the birds we are seeing today! I have little birdie tongue prints all over my monitor! :eek:

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