- Oct 23, 2015
- 4,311
- 5,560
- Parrots
- 1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Update time.
I had to go visiting my Father last week up in Southern Oregon. Was gone for 6 days.
On return Bingo acted as expected.
Dancing his Steve Wonder dance and saying everything in his vocabulary.
His feather chewing has decreased and his chest feathers no longer look black.
the additional out of cage time and attention have done the trick.
Amazon's are definitely the bounce back king's.
I don't know how to describe the twins reaction to my return. They did not have a visible reaction to my greeting them. They do seem to be suffering from separation anxiety.
What I mean is when I leave the living room they start contact calling as soon as they can't see me. Before they would at least give me time to go to the bathroom.
Bella is not a bird that wears her heart on her sleeve. But....
No one bothered to take her for a Red But Shower while I was gone and I did not specifically leave instructions to do so. When I took her into the shower with me she was so excited she could not hold still. She got good and wet (something she does not do often in the shower) and was very happy.
Her normal place outside of the cage is standing guard on her cupboard. But she has been flying from there and I think looking for me. She even sat on my shoulder for 15 min. and did not poop on me.
Mango and Angel went into overdrive wanting scratches from me. The other Cockatiels were more restrained in there greetings.
Comments on the new forum engine.
congratulations on a very seamless transfer of all the data, it could not have been easy.
That said I don't like it.
#1 to many adds. on the top, on the side, and on the bottom to. Come on Man.
#2 I don't know why but the background white is so bright I have a hard time reading the font and threads.
#3 Call me a fuddy duddy but I am 60 going on 90 and I don't like change.
My Work was always making changes in the way of documentation and instructions. Just when you get use to one system they up and change it to something so messed up x@&*!.
So if you don't see much of me you know why, #3 was a big reason I retired after all.
But I can always be reached by PM.
I had to go visiting my Father last week up in Southern Oregon. Was gone for 6 days.
On return Bingo acted as expected.
Dancing his Steve Wonder dance and saying everything in his vocabulary.
His feather chewing has decreased and his chest feathers no longer look black.
the additional out of cage time and attention have done the trick.
Amazon's are definitely the bounce back king's.
I don't know how to describe the twins reaction to my return. They did not have a visible reaction to my greeting them. They do seem to be suffering from separation anxiety.
What I mean is when I leave the living room they start contact calling as soon as they can't see me. Before they would at least give me time to go to the bathroom.
Bella is not a bird that wears her heart on her sleeve. But....
No one bothered to take her for a Red But Shower while I was gone and I did not specifically leave instructions to do so. When I took her into the shower with me she was so excited she could not hold still. She got good and wet (something she does not do often in the shower) and was very happy.
Her normal place outside of the cage is standing guard on her cupboard. But she has been flying from there and I think looking for me. She even sat on my shoulder for 15 min. and did not poop on me.
Mango and Angel went into overdrive wanting scratches from me. The other Cockatiels were more restrained in there greetings.
Comments on the new forum engine.
congratulations on a very seamless transfer of all the data, it could not have been easy.
That said I don't like it.
#1 to many adds. on the top, on the side, and on the bottom to. Come on Man.

#2 I don't know why but the background white is so bright I have a hard time reading the font and threads.
#3 Call me a fuddy duddy but I am 60 going on 90 and I don't like change.
My Work was always making changes in the way of documentation and instructions. Just when you get use to one system they up and change it to something so messed up x@&*!.
So if you don't see much of me you know why, #3 was a big reason I retired after all.
But I can always be reached by PM.