Flock Thread Volume 2

Wow, Stolas is mighty impressive! And lady Beetlejuice looks like she has love hearts all over her! 😍 Beautiful additions, @zERo, congrats!
Hey guys.
I know it’s been awhile since I’ve given any updates on the birds and other animals.
Lots has happened and, in short, I’ve rehomed most of my flock. Only three remain, Tony the Quaker, Tom the GCC, and Milly the sparrow.

So I’ll try to update this some, for now, a bunch of pictures!

Tom checking out my snacks
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He’s learned this recently, lol
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Tony attempting to steal this morning
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He’s learning to trust me enough to lay on his back!
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My boyfriend has helped me realize spiders aren’t scary!
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Many new babies as well, which I’ll get around to posting. She’s just the one I happen to be keeping, lol
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Tony being sweet
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Omg so cute the little mischiefs lol
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  • #64
Found this slider yesterday

And this plain bellied water snake too

And another!

Humming bird visiting. I think a ruby throated.

Baby slider from a week ago!

Yep! Lots of animals recently 😅
Found this slider yesterday
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And this plain bellied water snake too
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And another!
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Humming bird visiting. I think a ruby throated.
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Baby slider from a week ago!
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Yep! Lots of animals recently 😅
Oh you're so lucky to get hummingbirds, I wish we had those here!! Hubby and I spotted some Anna's hummingbirds in San Diego years ago, we got SO excited about them and must've made quite the spectacle of ourselves as we ran around trying to get photos of them!
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  • #66
Oh you're so lucky to get hummingbirds, I wish we had those here!! Hubby and I spotted some Anna's hummingbirds in San Diego years ago, we got SO excited about them and must've made quite the spectacle of ourselves as we ran around trying to get photos of them!
Wow, just looked up an Anna’s hummingbird. So pretty! 😍
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  • #67
Little conure I saw at Petsmart

Betta I saw at a fish show. Veeeery expensive 😅

My boy Gerald

Big hobo spider
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  • #69
Tony being sweet today

Very pretty jumper I found

Tom in a rare okay mood 😅

Wolf spider

Starfish in my dads saltwater tank
Good to see you, Tony and Tom!! 😍😍 Oh and @zERo I must try to remember to post a pic for you of the next huntsman spider we get in the house. I have to catch them and release them outside cos my hubby is a COMPLETE arachnophobe - although I'm sure he'd agree with me that your little jumping spider is a cutie!
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  • #71
Good to see you, Tony and Tom!! 😍😍 Oh and @zERo I must try to remember to post a pic for you of the next huntsman spider we get in the house. I have to catch them and release them outside cos my hubby is a COMPLETE arachnophobe - although I'm sure he'd agree with me that your little jumping spider is a cutie!
Ooo, how cool! I get being scared of spiders, used to be scared myself! Until my boyfriend got me to hold one and I realized they’re amazing! 🤩

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