Tessie's post was wonderful and so perfectly worded
Victoria responded about flighted and clipped birds in our home... Ivory came home with a butcher clip job and could not even lift herself off the ground. But we worked with her to build up muscles (she was cage bound too). She has 3 flight feathers back, but flies extremely well, she can go room to room and maneuver thru doors and such to get to where / who she wants.
While my first opinion / option would be to let a bird fly, there are times especially during puberty that being clipped helps with training. But even when we clip, we would only take a feather or two at time, just enough to slow them down or make it easier to catch them when they were being bratty. Once a bird is bonded and is not one to show aggression to anyone in the home, I would not clip.
I totally agree its personal and it depends bird to bird, even in our house, some birds will never be clipped again, but as Victoria mentioned, we have one nasty male cockatiel and he definitely is a concern to have flighted and then another is such an idiot with flying, he is such a worry he'll break a neck one day.
I must admit, I also saw the topic and thought oh geez, that one is gonna get nasty, but I think its a great show from everyone to share opinions and experience with no name calling or attitudes. Even if its been discussed before, awesome thread so far
Everyone who posted to this point, pat themselves on the back