Flighted bird training advice?


New member
Jan 8, 2015
New Mexico
--PUMPKIN - male YS GCC. Hatched Halloween Day 2014. Came home Jan. 4, 2015. Started talking in July '15!

-BUTTERNUT- female TYS GCC Hatched in late Jan. 2016 and came home March 14, 2016
I have let nature take its course and allowed Pumpkins flight feathers to grow in. I've been spending A LOT of time trying build up his muscles and his confidence. This week he is finally starting to fly around a bit. Still short distances and still a little awkward and nervous, but he's made wonderful progress.

The problem is, and this might sound horrible, but he's getting on my nerves. Now that he knows he can fly I can't be anywhere near his gym without him flapping onto my shoulder. When I am sitting at my desk he flies over to me CONSTANTLY. How do I convince him that he doesn't need to be with me every single second? I spent literally hundreds of dollars building him his very own amusement park but but the only thing he's interested in playing with is the pen I'm currently TRYING to write with.

I need some advice for basic training for flighted birds. Any other potential problems I have not run across yet? Or personal stories that might be helpful. I never considered this would be a problem. I feel very unprepared for the very thing ive been working so hard for. Thanks in advance for the advice and/or links!!
Hahaha! I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. It is funny, though.

You just wait until he gets strong enough and confident enough to reach you no matter where you go! Right now, it's when you walk past his gym. Eventually, it'll be from across the room or down the hall.

Jolly will currently fly up the stairs and fly into and out of rooms looking for me. I've had to train my ears to be alert for the sounds of his rapidly flapping wings if I leave the room for more than a few moments.

As for what you could do about it, station/stay put training would be the way to go. Basically, set him up on the perch and tell him to stay. (Or whatever your word is. Mine is "wait".) Then move back and give it about a 5-count. If he hasn't flown to you in that time, hurry back to him and reward with a treat. If he instead flies right to you, tell him "no" and immediately put him back on the perch. Once he starts to get the idea with 5 seconds, gradually increase the intervals. Consistency is key, here.

Eventually, you'll be able to leave his line of sight for a time. Continue reinforcing with treats.

At other times, however, you want to practice recall training with him. That way, he learns that waiting for you to call him = tasty treat. Once he makes that association, you're golden.
Oh thanks! I'll start working on this now before he can follow me room to room. I'm flattered he wants to be with me but with school starting soon I will need some time alone with my pen to study. Lol
Hahaha I have five little ones that are flighted, my gccs, my female tiels, and my sun. I let them all out at once and they can be left unsupervised downstairs the worst they do is throw all their newspaper out and poop on the top of the stand at the bottom of the stairs. Once I walk into the room downstairs I get five birds swooping for my head/shoulders. I wave my hand like theres an annoying fly by my head...if that doesn't work I duck...though if they feel particularly stubborn they dive after me:rolleyes:

But yes I agree on the stationing training:D
Hehe so cute they want to be with you!! That's an adorable image. Thanks for sharing!
Welcome to my world! Looking back at several of your play centers, I see a netting you are using. What and where is it from? For a GCC iris perfect! Gonna be building copies of you projects!
I got that netting from hobby lobby. It is in the section with the sea shells and cost $5.99. He really likes that net and it's easy to accessorize and is well made. :)
Haha, created a lil monster. I can totally relate, even feel a little responsible. :54: Remember kiwi and pumpkin have been flying now for about the same amount of time. Now that kiwi can fly she will come and look for me, which isn't far because I live in a 5th wheel. I can't escape her. :20:

I can hear her coming, she sounds like a lil humming bird as she flaps her lil wings really fast. She's gotten very good at rounding corners too. But what's most disconcerting is she will crawl under the bathroom door to come find me. :eek: I feel like I'm raising kids all over again. It's like "really, I will be out in a minute" and I send her on her way. :D

Ahh the joys of a flighted bird, sigh! (Good title for a book) She does land on other people, like on my husbands head, which makes me laugh. My daughter gets annoyed, and asks me to clip her (not a chance) I do tell her to stay, and she isn't food motivated, but she gets a lot of praise. She is just so happy flying around. :09:
That was actually my blue front she would launch to my shoulder before both feet got in the door.

She didn't play with my pen, though.

How did I stop it?! (Well, there were times when I didn't want to stop it.) But we had shoulder time, and we had "give someone else a turn time." We had not now I'm eating time. (that one was easy. Feed them some of yours first!) And we had "give dad some peace" time.

Structure the interaction. Give them a set routine. Stick to it. Put the bird back when he disobeys. If he flies to you the third time, it's cage time. You want out? Stay put then... this is your self entertain time. I'll pick you up when it's your time. You know how this works.

Won't work unless you are 100% consistent with it.

But that's how it's done.
That was actually my blue front she would launch to my shoulder before both feet got in the door.

She didn't play with my pen, though.

How did I stop it?! (Well, there were times when I didn't want to stop it.) But we had shoulder time, and we had "give someone else a turn time." We had not now I'm eating time. (that one was easy. Feed them some of yours first!) And we had "give dad some peace" time.

Structure the interaction. Give them a set routine. Stick to it. Put the bird back when he disobeys. If he flies to you the third time, it's cage time. You want out? Stay put then... this is your self entertain time. I'll pick you up when it's your time. You know how this works.

Won't work unless you are 100% consistent with it.

But that's how it's done.

If you're going to act like a child you're going to be treated like one. Time out, in the corner... Hahaha :09:
Haha, created a lil monster. I can totally relate, even feel a little responsible. :54: Remember kiwi and pumpkin have been flying now for about the same amount of time. Now that kiwi can fly she will come and look for me, which isn't far because I live in a 5th wheel. I can't escape her. :20:

I can hear her coming, she sounds like a lil humming bird as she flaps her lil wings really fast. She's gotten very good at rounding corners too. But what's most disconcerting is she will crawl under the bathroom door to come find me. :eek: I feel like I'm raising kids all over again. It's like "really, I will be out in a minute" and I send her on her way. :D

OH im so happy Kiwi has gotten so good at flying!! And your story is precious!! I love the sounds of Pumpkin flying too. Its so different from anything ive ever known! I have absolutely LOVED having a bird. It still surprises me that it took me 26 years to figure out i am not really a dog person, I actually like birds a lot more! Despite being annoying at times, i am loving this new experience with him.
I used to have the same problem with my CAG. I now only allow him on my shoulder when I say it's ok and when he is there I don't acknowledge him. This way he won;t associate my shoulder with play time or being pet. After a few weeks of this mixed with stay training, he's a lot better. I only let him on my shoulder for a little bit everyday and he doesn't try to climb down my arm anymore to eat my pens.
I think I may be in the earliest stages of this problem. My Amazon has never had his wings clipped, but the only time he would fly is if extremely startled. Last night I let him on top of the cage while I sat at my desk a few feet away. I noticed that he had a strange look in his eyes and was leaning forward a lot. I though to myself, "this sunuvab!tch is going to try to fly over here!" A few minutes later he just launched himself, flew gracelessly around the room and plopped on the floor. He has never learned to alight onto a perch or anything; all flights end on the floor. I would like to teach him to fly to my arm and land like a normal bird instead of a sack of pudding. But I guess the flip side is that I have to teach him to do it only when I request it. I'm not looking forward to living my own version of a Hitchcock movie.
SoCalWendy said:
But what's most disconcerting is she will crawl under the bathroom door to come find me. :eek: I feel like I'm raising kids all over again. It's like "really, I will be out in a minute" and I send her on her way. :D

The door thing drives me nuts! Mine can't fit under the door but they can look. If I close my bedroom door, I get two faces looking under it. I'm always freaked out that someone might open the door and smack em with it.

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