First day out

I will have too look into all that... for some reason I thought I got the one you said to get.... must of mix the two of them up some how, silly me...
Right now she will have to deal with the one I got, that is if I bring her out again... still surprise I didnt lose a finger :06: but I think I was able to do it because the clips made it easier to not have to really pull out the wings... at least for now it will be a good trianing exsperence for the both of use, get her used to me touching her all over.
I have been holding her in a towel (softly) every now and then. Holding her in ways the vet might... I have comed to the conclution that her "word" for me is 'oooo' (like you with out the y in front. Every time I come near the cage that is what she will do... used to think it was her trying to say hello... now she says hello just fine and still make the 'oooo' noise... she will aslo make the noise when I held in the towel AND she couldnt get her beak around a finger, she would also give you that 'puppy dog' face... when did birds learn to beg? LOL
Should have said also that "Personally" I don't like the feather tether, but a lot of people do use them. If she likes the FT then she'll love the aviator, its so light. Also the wings aren't that much of a problem, I don't really have to touch the boys wings too much to get the harness on. I just have the harness as big as it will go and then put the wings in that way. They are happy, not a lot of wing pulling about, and I'm happy cos they get to go out and have fun.

Agree tho' that even if you do change this one, then wearing it for now is good practise for her. :D Towelling is great for them, Bucc hates the towel and will tear my finger off if I were to get too close to him with one. Just hoping that the Vet never has to use one. :D Kito on the other hand loves to snuggle in the evening wrapped in a towel. Am still trying to get Bucc used to one, and its been over 2 years now. Ah well one day, I'm very persistent, or a real pain in the A**E :04: either description works for me.

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