First bird came home today!


New member
Dec 27, 2013
1 - Cinnamon Quaker
I've been wanting a bird for quite a while, and have been reading and trying to decide on what to get. I really like the big birds but was worried that might not be the best thing to introduce to the family first. So after reading and finding a local breeder we went and got a 10 week baby Cinnamon Quaker today. So far so good, it is really tame and seems to be gentle. Also very quiet so far, hope that continues. I will post a picture tomorrow. We played for a little while and put it to bed. No name yet the kids are trying to decide. I guess we are going to try and pick something gender neutral. Hoping all goes well and my wife starts to warm up to it.
Congratulations! I have always wanted a Quaker =) can't wait to see pics, he sounds like a sweetie. Once he is properly settled is probably when he will get a bit more vocal.
Welcome to the forum!!! Quakers are wonderful smart birds to have around. I miss mine everyday. Congrats with your new baby!!!!
Congratulations on becoming a Quaker parront! :) I always say that life is seldom dull when there's a Quaker in the house. :D
congrads on your new baby , I miss my little Opey quaker alot , but they are great little birds
Here you go!!! :)

Next time just click on the picture icon in your reply window and paste the link within. Then click ok, then click post, it should post it for ya. Such a pretty baby!!!! :)
congrats! they are so smart and entertaining! i miss cooper every time i leave my house :)
Absolutely adorable! I got my boy this summer and he was immensely quiet for the first few weeks. He's a chatter box now... the noise level is definitely tolerable and always cracks me up. He prefers to practice talking when I'm not right there in the room... not the least bit nippy or cage aggressive either.

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Thanks, it has been a good first few days. There has been no biting at all. He doesn't beg to come out but once he gets out he seems to like to be held and pet. He walks around on the floor and explores for a while but always comes back and climbs up to my shoulder. He has done well with the kids so far too and hasn't shown any aggression towards them. Several people have been over to see him and he goes to everybody. I really want him to be well conditioned to different people but I know the vast majority of time will be spent with me. My wife doesn't have much interest in him so far. Really the only down side so far has been getting pooped on. I guess that is just part of it. Any tips or advice on this? Thanks for all the help.

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