Fids say the darndest things!

Mac, our B&G is a little over 2 and, as of yet, does not have a huge vocabulary.

He'll talk a bunch around us but if other folks are around he won't say anything.

That being said, we were at the Grand Canyon on vacation in May and Mac was in his travel cage in his wagon.

A couple of young ladies walked by and Mac Exclaimed " Hi BABY!!"

Luckily he can't imitate my voice or I'd probably still be sporting a black eye!!:21:

That's great!
Sunny also will clam up in front of strangers except for Hi usually. I think she gets anoyed by people asking me to "make her talk" [wish I could]. One day a gaggle of giggling girls ran up and demanded that she talk. She listened, mum for a minute, and then told me in a low voice "I'm talking"
asked my husband, "is she moving?"

Lmao:) I wonder What brought that on?

I've always wondered, too. I've got a more complete history on him than on some of the other birds, and I don't know of anyone moving out on him.

One of the most haunting things I've ever heard of a bird saying was a fairly aggressive amazon, who would sometimes say, "Don't forget the birdie!"

And I always wondered if his aggression was based on fear because someone in his past forgot to care for the birdie . . .
Talking about birds say the darnest things....I was cleaning ekkies cage this past Monday. JoJo started saying Gracie....Gracie....Here comes Gracie walking towards him and JoJo says Hey Baby, Come Here Girl....Then he kisses her on her cheek and Gracie did the wolf whistle. JoJo then says I Love You! I cracked up laughing so hard, I wish I had recorded it. They've been saying ALL kinds of stuffs lately none stop. Even Gracie whose normally quiet been yapping none stop and started whistling a lot. They crack me up!!!!
Lol, I came across this forum and burst out laughing! My senegal Oliver was in the living room with the TV on. One person on the show I was watching said "toot", and Oliver burst out with this long realistic-sounding fart! I was laughing so hard, even though it was kind of gross! Oh my gosh, this guy surprises me everyday!
So I walked into the bird-room today to hear Kiwi-the-Panama-Amazon making the gr-r-r-r-r- noise that amazons make when they see a hawk or another frightening sight. Goose-the-Greenwing was with him, also acting upset. I looked out the window for hawks - nothing. Then I heard the crows. I don't know if they were fighting among themselves or with someone else - or being attacked.

As soon as I focused on the cacophony of sound, Goose said, "What's going on out there?"

So I said, "I'll go look."

[And as I walked out the door to quiet the crows, I wondered again at the parrots' ability to communicate.]
Wow, Scarlet is turning into quite the talker! I bet the lady I got her from would be shocked haha. The lady had her in a seperate bird room, and I have her in the living room so I really think that helps quite a bit. She already learned the 4 year olds name (Paulo) and a bunch of other stuff.

We have a puppy that I mentioned earlier and we are still crate training her so early in the morning when she has to go potty she starts to whine....well, lucky for us, Scarlet learned how to mimic it PERFECTLY. Grreeeaaatttt. Haha, its really funny actually. The 4 year old also makes these little shrieks when he is playing xbox and stuff and Scarlet can also do it too. Its funny when the Mrs. yells at him telling him not in the house and then realizes it was the bird haha. Love it.

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