Feeling pretty bad.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Bean the Blue Front Amazon, Chico the Ringneck, and Ida the African grey
So my daughter and I are driving down the road and two little yellow chick-a-dees, as we call them, come flying down right in front of me. They must have been fighting because they landed locked in battle. I tried to swerve out of the way, but I ran them over. I looked in my rear view mirror and one was flat on the road. I feel pretty bad. I know there wasn't anything I could have done, but still. :(
I'm sorry to hear that! I've done the same before. I usually either stop or try to avoid it. But it just happens sometimes and there was nothing you can do about it....
Aw thats sad.
That happened to us, except the animal didn't die.
It was an owl, he hit our windshield. It was too dangerous to stop where we were so we couldn't help him :(
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My daughter didn't even notice, so I didn't say anything. I have a hard enough time seeing dead animals on the side of the road, but to hit one. EH.

An owl? Oh scary. We have had deer bounce off the side of our car before. That is a bit intense. Maybe the owl was just in shock. Hopefully it got up and flew away. :)
Yes its a nomal thing for a normal person to feel bad even you could not help it, sorry !
Yeah, hopefully!
Once my mom was on the way to pick me up from dance and a deer ran in front of her car. She hit it and the deer died and cracked her light.
*hugs* D'aww Abby, you did your best to avoid them but you really could not avoid it and you must insure the safety of your daughter and yourself anyway! I am sorry you feel bad hun, but I can assure you it would have been instant and they wouldn't have suffered <3
I had a deer run into the side of my truck a few months ago. It was a buck, it rouged up the side of my car, busted the door handle with an antler, and kicked a hole in the wheel cover. Then it ran away! One tough buck, couple thousand dollars worth of damage to my car.

Then a couple months ago, a baby fox darted out in front of the tires when my hubby and I were going home. I felt so bad! I made him turn around to make sure it was dead, and not suffering. It was definately dead, so I had him put it up into the woods, I didn't want it to be repeatedly hit. :( So sad when these things happen.
It's happened to all of us....I always feel really bad when it happens but it is really out of our control...don't beat yourself up hun.....big hugs.

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