Feeding/cage time


New member
Apr 12, 2012
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Montoursille, Pa.
Hi all... Little baby is doing awesome!! So sweet!!! I'm wondering... do I have to keep the food dishes in the cage? Is it okay to offer the food and water several times throughout the day or do the lovies need to have them at constant readiness??

I plan on having him (her) out more than in the cage so I’m wondering how often should he be in the cage?? Still have a lot to learn!! :)
I have separate dishes outside Luna's cage for when she is out. I also keep her cage door open at all times so she can "retreat and relax" whenever she feels the need. I dont see why removing the food dishes would be a big deal if that's what you wanted to do. I just think having separate dishes is easier. I have Luna out whenever I am home. Some days that is all day, other days it is only a couple hours. I dont think a bird can be out 'too much' as long as they go back in their cage at night to sleep or when unsupervised...
Also, when i volunteered at a bird sanctuary they gave their lovies pellets whenever they wanted (the dish always had pellets in it) and they gave fruit/veggies in the mornings.
I think it's easier to just get another set of dishes for the outside of the cage. My gcc are out all day and only get locked up at night.
Like some of the others mine are out all day. They also have food dishes in and outside of the cage. I also keep their doors open all the time ( except at bed time). Glad your little baby is doing good!!
Whatever you choose to do with the dishes, the bottom line is birds should have availability to food whenever they want it.

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