Favorite parrots

1. Kakapo (5) [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3a88_SjJR0"]Kakapo: Flightless Parrot | Benedict Cumberbatch | BBC Earth - YouTube[/ame]
2. Kia (2)
3. cockatoos (general I guess...because I lack the points to specify 3 ways LOL) (1)
4. African Grey (1)
5. double yellow headed Amazons (1)

Am I allowed to do that? LOL...I dk if we are only talking parrots that are legal to own...haha
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Types of parrots can be everyone but you have 12 points instead of 10;) This can be general "cockatoos" or only one species. Or you can devise this one point between these 3:D

Ps. Not kia but kea;)
dang it...I will edit cockatoos to be general then lol!!!
I have good news to you - one of these cockatoos which you had written is in top 10 atm;) but this can change yet. I'll also write that atm they don't have any concrete place because there is an enforcement with other 4 parrots (yep, enforcement of 5 parrots!)

Somebody can ask how I count points in these cases like this - when somebody write a general name and other person species name. I decided to count points of "full" groups names and all species points which belong there. If:
a) full group points<species points (at this moment: Cockatoos<their species)
Then I count general points (in this case 'toos) to all their species
b) full group points>species points (atm: amazons> their species)
Then species points I include to the group
I hope nobody is angry at me?
Lol--- I'll stick with 1 pt for all cockatoos, as I love them, but don't necessarily think they are great pets for most people haha!
Rozalka I’m surprised, no, I’m SHOCKED that you didn’t pick up on the Eurovision Song Contest-type tone in my post! Poland - nil points!! :)
Can we talk about the fact that Noodles is big and a little over a pound...but a kakapo is 8 OF HER?!?!? lol!!!
I think - maybe I'll finish it on Sunday? This would be a part one, later would be a second part of voting to reduce enforcements - as I had mentioned in one there are 5 types. There also is another enforcement of two types. At this moment the part 2 couldn't change the top 10 (only the order) but if the next person will vote, there can be eg. 5 types on last 4 places. I don't know if you understand me...
Rozalka I’m surprised, no, I’m SHOCKED that you didn’t pick up on the Eurovision Song Contest-type tone in my post! Poland - nil points!! :)
LaManuka - in Polish TV everything is translated to Polish so I couldn't notice it;)
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I thought as much. We used to get the BBC feed and it was always in a mix of French and English. In more recent years we've been sending our own music journalists to cover the event but we MUCH preferred when we got the BBC coverage with Terry Wogan - he was HILARIOUS!!
As I mentioned I watch Erovision in Polish but when I watch enything in English I don't understand about 90% infos:( When we talk about listening, my English is so terrible:( Noodles wants to talk about kakapos - I watched "Unatural History of the Kakapo". What did I understand? It's a good question... I remember something but I'm not sure if I understood correctly...
I was thinking - I am the contest organizer so - to take part or not? I am any-kind-parrot loverer and this is a very hard decision to me. I was thinking few times how to divide 10 points. I sometimes say I love rare parrots but this is too general:p I analyzed my current feelings to different species and decided:
Rainbow lorikeet - 2 points
When I was a child they were my favorite species of any animals. Then it was my dream to meet them in real life.

Green-cheeked conure - 0 points for walking on my keyboard and biting my fingers not letting me writting!

Purple-crowned lorikeet - 3,5 points
When I was an older child there was a time when I liked the most Spix's macaws but it didn't take a long time. Lorikeets I liked the same like other parrots. When I saw Lilly's photo for the 1st time I loved all lories & lorikeets again. Now each time when I see on the net PCL photos, they remind me Lilly:D

Fig parrot - 3,5 points
before my travel to Prague I checked what parrots are in the zoo. I had known fig parrots before but I googled how exactly look species which there are. Then I realized how they are cute;)

Blue-throated conure - 0,5
From all conures I like their look the most. Only half point because I've seen them once time and then bit me - after an amazon and macaw bite, it was the srongest one! A trace I have till today

Dominican green and yellow macaw - 0,5
Probably you hear the first time about it because it's hipothical extinct species - they are known only from disription but there are no evidence about their existence. It's a symbolic half point because it was my favorite extinct species. It probably also was the first species which I knew and was almost unknown

About 3 hours of voting left yet
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I think you should definitely take part, Rozalka!
On a side note, it made me smile to see you mention Blue-throated Conures...my guys are so funny! My male is so mean, and man, his bites do hurt. The female is sweet and has never bitten. As soon as I start singing, they both keep time by banging their beaks on the nearest hard surface. They are hysterical. They're also my only conures who laugh.
As I mentioned I watch Erovision in Polish but when I watch enything in English I don't understand about 90% infos:( When we talk about listening, my English is so terrible:( Noodles wants to talk about kakapos - I watched "Unatural History of the Kakapo". What did I understand? It's a good question... I remember something but I'm not sure if I understood correctly...

This shows the transcript for up to 29 minutes in on the right-hand side--- Don't know if that helps, but there you go.


Listening has always been harder than reading for me as well.
I think you should definitely take part, Rozalka!
On a side note, it made me smile to see you mention Blue-throated Conures...my guys are so funny! My male is so mean, and man, his bites do hurt. The female is sweet and has never bitten. As soon as I start singing, they both keep time by banging their beaks on the nearest hard surface. They are hysterical. They're also my only conures who laugh.
As I mentioned I've seen them only once time - when I noticed it in a parrot aviary, instantly I took a photo...


... and took him/her on my arm. At the same time one of my parents was making a vid and there in the background is my voice:
"It's my favorite Pyrrhura conure species!..... Ow!! Bit me stronger than Zenek!!"
This shows the transcript for up to 29 minutes in on the right-hand side--- Don't know if that helps, but there you go.


Listening has always been harder than reading for me as well.

Recently I don't really time to watch films. Maybe on February I'll try to watch it again with subtitles. When I was watching the film, I didn't know yet how to turn om them on yt:D If there they won't be, I try this side - so thanks!
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I would say:

5 points for Swift Parrots
3 Points for Quakers
2 Points for Golden Shouldered Parrots
1. Alexandrine Parakeet -1 point
2. Kakapo- 1 Point
3. Eastern Rosella (Golden Mantled Rosella ) 1 point
4. Scarlet Macaw- 1 point
5. Plum headed Parakeet - 1 point
6. Stella's lorikeet -1 point
7. Yellow Collared Lovebird- 1 point
8. Budgerigar- 1 point
9. Major Mitchell' cockatoo-1 point
10. Greater Sulphur Crested cockatoo- 0.5 points
11. Scarlet chested Parrot or Splendid grass parakeet 0.5 point.

Beauty, Uniqueness, Color combination, Graceful looks and/or my personal experience with these species are the criterion.


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