He has turned into a flying piranha. O.O It's hormonal, I think. Think he has started puberty. It's been so long since I've had a young bird. Wow this is awful and he is so pleased with himself. I don't react and he doesn't bite me much, but when them face feathers come up, ooooooooooooh boyo! He has a few special favorite toys, that I know I'll get it good if I ask him to step up from them (one is a swing, another is the jingle ball cat toy). Also if he gets too focused on Alex or if he is on top of Alex's cage while Alex is napping. Planning to get a table top play gym with a solid floor to put on top of Mr. Bird's cage so Fatty won't pester him as much. Should I let him keep the swing and jingle ball? His cage is due for a rearrange and I'm not sure what to do.
Alex's girlfriend doesn't live with him (stuffed ostrich cat toy), and it's been probably since I had budgies as a kid since I had a young bird. All rescues since then. Gee, even the hormonal young male amazon wasn't as bad as this little feathered ball of chaos and cuss words.
In a weird way this is just another thing to enjoy about him. He's a budgie; he has a small beak and it doesn't do any actual damage. It's weirdly cute, like a hamster would be while stabbing you with a switchblade or something.
From phone, while being chewed on.