False Alarm! :3


New member
Oct 20, 2011
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Why do you care!?!? STALKER!
Harmin - White and Blue Budgie
Momiji - Bright Yellow & Green Budgie
Hooray! I found out why Harmin and Momiji were fighting! The cage was too small! (It was only 15' by 11 by 19) So I gotzes dem a larger one (About 30'L by 18'W by 18' H) So dey all happy now! They haven't fought at all since they got in their new cage!
And what I thought was Harmin pulling out Momiji's feathers was just his feathers. Turns out he has white feathers under his colored ones. :/
I know, I know, I'm an idiot, an airhead, blah blah blah, and I probably shoulda had a bigger cage in the first place, but I'm just happy they're all kay.
I'd give ya'll some pics of them, but I can't get my camera to work. Sorry!

Glad to hear they are getting along good. But you will have to keep a eye on them to make sure it doesn"t start again. The white feathers are called down and the outer feathers will regrow fast as long as they are not plucked back out. If it starts again you will have to split them up until the feathers grow back and maybe try to put them back together again but keep your eyes open for missing feathers. Make sure to offer plenty of perches that way they can get away from each other .
That is great :) I hope the peace continues.

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