Experienced Owners, Who Would You Adopt?

Taking in a rehome should never be discouraged. But rather what should be encouraged is education. Knowing the background of a potential rehome as well as knowing about the species and its natural as well as its 'current' home environment.

In my experience, MOST rehomes are due to one of two factors: 1) Original owner "impulse" buying without doing their research or 2) Life circumstances change in a way that makes meeting the needs of the bird too difficult.

If the bird has been well cared for, as it seems, then you will go through the transition stage that you've mentioned as well as others. As long as you are well educated on the challenges and are prepared to meet them, I think the choice is clear.

While Skittles is not a rehome, he was over a year old when I bought him at the pet store. He had previously been to two other stores prior but wasn't selling. If I hadn't taken him home, he'd likely be holding someone else hostage instead of me.

This is me still - the OP - working on trying to have my username changed over so I’m not using my business name on here. Didn’t think that through, that I’d want to keep this account associated with my personal info LOL. Thanks to the admin for doing this by the way & sorry if this thread disappears in the process!

Thank you. Yes, I definitely want to make sure I know as much as possible. I spent an hour on the phone last night talking about the rehome & it sounds like a very good situation. My biggest fear came in that one of my rehomes I adopted in the past was amazing, the other was very challenging & never really warmed up. Both were amazing in their own right, though.

I feel confident in this situation, and believe that I would be a great fit to be owned by this little fella! :)

Congrats on Skittles, he sounds like a wonderful little guy! [emoji7][emoji1374]

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Yes, doing your research is EXTREMELY important.

When I first saw Skittles I was instantly smitten, but mostly because of how he responded to my presence vs others. It was like he 'chose me'. That being said, the pet store clerk advised me against getting him because I live in an apartment. Nevertheless, for the next four days I did a LOT of research and I could NOT get him off my mind. Everything thats considered a drawback of owning a sunnie I considered a plus. The only issue that concerned me was the loudness factor but in my experience, birds don't scream for no reason. Having a loud bird is one thing while a noisy bird is something else. Skittles is loud, no doubt about that, but he's also the quietest bird I've ever owned and THAT is saying something. I credit that to proper boundary setting as well as the fact that I am home most of the time and he is free flighted. He spends much of his day either on my shoulder, inside my shirt or on one of his various playstands. He's one happy birdy there's no doubt about that.
Yes, doing your research is EXTREMELY important.

When I first saw Skittles I was instantly smitten, but mostly because of how he responded to my presence vs others. It was like he 'chose me'. That being said, the pet store clerk advised me against getting him because I live in an apartment. Nevertheless, for the next four days I did a LOT of research and I could NOT get him off my mind. Everything thats considered a drawback of owning a sunnie I considered a plus. The only issue that concerned me was the loudness factor but in my experience, birds don't scream for no reason. Having a loud bird is one thing while a noisy bird is something else. Skittles is loud, no doubt about that, but he's also the quietest bird I've ever owned and THAT is saying something. I credit that to proper boundary setting as well as the fact that I am home most of the time and he is free flighted. He spends much of his day either on my shoulder, inside my shirt or on one of his various playstands. He's one happy birdy there's no doubt about that.

That is amazing! Yes I have heard the same about sun’s, and I was reading that excessive screaming is usually related to unhappiness or unfulfillment? And that some screaming is normal?

I am in an apartment & home most of the time too, which is why I opted for GCC over sunnie, just to sit on the side of caution noise wise! (Not that GCCs will be entirely quiet, of course!)

I have noisy neighbours and, impressively, I can only hear them when their kids are REALLY screaming. Our cement walls will be very helpful in this regard!

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I’m late to the party....just catching up on my reading. Congrats on your choice! I have 3 GCCs that came to me as adults (at different times and for different reasons) and totally agree that you can create just as strong of a bond with them. I also have 2 suns and a cockatiel. Mine have all needed different things from me and strategies to communicate/build bonds - but if you pay attention to what your bird is telling you, you’ll do just fine!
Can I just say that is what I would do,and did. My conure had to be given up by her previous owner for work reasons.......night shifts. So poor little soul was on her own all day. Apparently she had been very bonded and I was concerned she wouldnt take to me.
A lot of my learning was her body language and learning what her different chirps and squawks meant. Also try not to get upset by the nips.
After having her now for 4 months she knows me and I know her really well. She cuddles in my neck,sticks to me like glue. I dont think you'll have a problem if you do a lot of talking to her,they love that. Good luck.
dear blackskyintutive, I had a parrotlet hand reared from a breeder.I rescued a2yr. old Green Cheek Conure. Due to owners serious health he was not socialized.I got him home put my hand in cage.He drew blood.Iknew he was neglected ,owner had cancer.It took about 4 months and persistance Paddy was finger trained a sweet boy.He follows me room to room and lands in my hair or shoulder. But I will say it took determination.Set you mind and you'll do fine. Sometimes castaways make the best pets.They really need you! Bonita

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