Exciting news Riley is coming home today!!!!

Congratulations! She is so adorable! I am very happy for both of you. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new baby. 'Tiels are so much fun.

On the topic of night frights - 'tiels are very prone to these, but there are methods of helping them with it. I've had quite a few tiels as i used to breed them. Here are some things that ive found work with night frights

Try covering the cage at night (an hour after the sun goes down) and uncovering in the morning (when the sun comes up) You can also try partially covering it.

Sometimes night frights are caused by it being too dark so if this is the case try a dim nightlight so they can see in the dark and not wack into things when they get spooked.

Sometimes bumps in the night will scare them so you can try playing some relaxing music to help drown out these bumps in the night - My tiels loved classical music on low like bach and scott joplin - plus they may learn some of these tunes!
Thank you for your advice. I am aware cockatiels are prone to night frights but the breeder even said she never had a clutch who had as many night frights as this clutch. In my experience they have less of them when they are uncovered at night and for whatever reason Riley has chosen to sleep on the bottom of the cage tonight. I don't know if its because she can't climb the have bars or isn't confident enough to climb them yet to get to her lowest perch. I tried to get her to sleep on the highest perch which most birds do but she flew off of it onto the cage bottom twice so I left her there.
Thank you for your advice. I am aware cockatiels are prone to night frights but the breeder even said she never had a clutch who had as many night frights as this clutch. In my experience they have less of them when they are uncovered at night and for whatever reason Riley has chosen to sleep on the bottom of the cage tonight. I don't know if its because she can't climb the have bars or isn't confident enough to climb them yet to get to her lowest perch. I tried to get her to sleep on the highest perch which most birds do but she flew off of it onto the cage bottom twice so I left her there.

Yeah, it's quite normal for youngsters like Riley to sit on the bottem of the cage when first brought home. Shes 2 months right? Did the breeder have her in an aquarium? or was she moved to a regular cage? She might not know how to perch all that well and be used to sleeping on a flat surface. After a few days if he is still doing this, i highly reccoment you discourage this behavior as bacteria will gather on the bottem, cause of poop and food and stuff.

Luckily bird poop is extremely clean if your bird is healthy and you could go ahead and eat it and be fine :P

Try it its good. Bird poopie is a delicacy in my house. Everyone gets a little taste now and again :D

I didnt mean to offend you with my advice, i have no idea what experience you have with birds. So if i made you feel bad please please forgive me! :)

Your new buddy is sooooo super cute i wish i could meet him and play with him. I always love playing with other people's parrots. Every parrot has such a Unique personality, even clutch mates that have been raised together under the same conditions and attention turn out polar opposites sometimes. Its always a wonderful thing to me to be able to handle other people's birds because i see how the birds turn out with different atmosphere and handling.

Anybody agree with me about this?
She was put into a normal cage at about 4 weeks but had a night fright and broke a blood feather so was put back in the brooder for a week then back into a cage. I figure she's doing it cause she has a ton of space she's not used to and corners make birds feel safe. She will be OK I'm sure all birds need to adjust and she went from a sharing a cage the size of her travel cage with her 4 clutch mates to a huge flight cage. She's probably just overwhelmed with amount of space she now has to herself.
She is adorable! Cockatiels are so precious! You all are making me want to adopt another 'tiel. These were the birds that started "it all" for me.. and I truly miss their antics. Anyone who says cockatiels are "starter birds", honestly have never truly shared their lives with one. They are amazing little birds. :grey:

Keep posting pictures and best of luck!
:D How exciting! Can't wait to see pics!
She is precious just perfect. You must be so proud. I think baby birds all start with large heads and feet and grow into them. Best wishes to you both. Bonita
She is a wonderful little bird. My biggest problem with her is she has difficulty getting around her cage. Or she likes to to bite my lip for no reason not sure which bugs me more
aaww this is the most exciting news i have read ALL DAY. how brilliant, Riley looks to be settling right on in at her new home, i must say what an amazing looking special little tiel :) i look forward to going on this long happy journey with our babies :)
aaww this is the most exciting news i have read ALL DAY. how brilliant, Riley looks to be settling right on in at her new home, i must say what an amazing looking special little tiel :) i look forward to going on this long happy journey with our babies :)

Lol she came home last week but it has been interesting. I got sooooo lucky with her. She steps up, cuddles, lets me give her scritchs and pet her. Even had her eating out of my hand the first day home. Everyday I read about peoples daily struggles just getting their new birds to do any of those things and it just makes me more and more thankful for her. I have actually had to compleatly rearrange her cage until she gets her tail feathers back then I'm going to "clear" it up and give her room to "fly" around from one perch to the next. I am also excited to go on this journey with our babies as well. Riley's not my first but she has been the easiest.
She is a cutie! Congrats again! ;)
Lol she came home last week but it has been interesting. I got sooooo lucky with her. She steps up, cuddles, lets me give her scritchs and pet her. Even had her eating out of my hand the first day home. Everyday I read about peoples daily struggles just getting their new birds to do any of those things and it just makes me more and more thankful for her. I have actually had to compleatly rearrange her cage until she gets her tail feathers back then I'm going to "clear" it up and give her room to "fly" around from one perch to the next. I am also excited to go on this journey with our babies as well. Riley's not my first but she has been the easiest.

That's great to hear! :D

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