Emergency vet or can this wait till Monday?

Hi, I hope Scarlette is doing better today?
I talked to the vet. Between my injured hand, MrC being out of town, and two of my boys having two separate surgical procedures each (with two different surgeries, though st the same time), both on Thursday, plus the preservation of the relationship, we've decided to keep her at the vet's until Friday.

I'm may look into the soft collar idea when she gets home.

Scott, she's on haldol and xanax. The haldol alone helped, but not enough. Now she also needs antibiotics and a pain medication (an NSAID). It's a lot for me to manage without MrC.
Hang in there, Beatrice! You've got your hands literally full, hope your boys do well Thursday!
I went to visit Charlotte today. I'm really glad she's there. Something's going on but they're not sure what. She weighed 900g the last time she was at the vet's office. She weighed 880g at the emergency vet on Saturday. Today she was 835g. She hadn't been eating as well as normal, but she still ate enough that I wasn't too concerned, and it's the same thing there. So they're going to try to figure out what's going on. In good news, after giving me a really dirty look to let me know she wasn't happy not being home, she got all cuddly and we had a nice visit. Here's some pictures.

And then she fell asleep on my knee. I guess we had too much fun.

Just found this thread. Sorry to have missed it!

I took a deep happy breath, though. My catastrophizing mind took your word "missing" to mean escaped or stolen or...

Whew. She's safely at the vet and getting help... WHEWWWW!!!!
Whoops, sorry, Gail. Yeah, she's just not in the house, which to the other birds means "gone forever", and they're having a hard time with it, though not to the point of self mutilation, like Charlotte.

I went to visit her this morning. She's doing better. Her weight is holding steady at 835g, though they're keeping a close eye on it and her food intake. She's letting more of the pin feathers come through. Hopefully we can get them long enough so they're not uncomfortable and she leaves them alone for good.
Awww, that is so touching, Scarlette sleeping. She love you lots you can tell.
I am so very sorry to hear about your birdie blues. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that your family, skin and feathered will be home safe and healed sooner rather than later.
Thinking of you, Ms. C. :60:
Thanks. MrC is bringing Charlotte's travel cage to the hospital and putting it in my car and then will sit with the kid while I go get Charlotte and bring her home, play with her a bit, check on my older kid, shower, and change clothes. I wasn't expecting the kid to get admitted at all, let alone for two nights, which is looking more likely than not. Then I'll come back and MrC will go back home to take care of the older kid.
I would need one of those football X-and-O things where they chart the players' moves and patterns ... to keep up with your and MrC's days.
I would need one of those football X-and-O things where they chart the players' moves and patterns ... to keep up with your and MrC's days.

lol. What makes you think we don't have a color coded electronic calendar that's packed to capacity with appointments, to do lists, etc? Trust me, it's the only way to even halfway keep up.
*fainting dead away*
*fainting dead away*


Just think, I used to handle the stuff for all three kids by myself without any help from a partner/spouse or family. I didn't have the birds at that time, though I did have a mastiff, who was mostly like a really slobbery fourth kid (he passed away a few years ago and I never got another dog). Life is actually easier with a second adult around.

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