Ember, The Baby Black Lorikeet

I looked it up... ultraviolet, that is. An online center or science education says... "Purple and violet light have shorter wavelengths than other colors of light, and ultraviolet has even shorter waves than violet does; so ultraviolet is sort of "purpler-than-purple" light or "beyond violet" light." No wonder she's so attractive... electric purple!
That is accurate. Yes in the sun, she glistens, it's hard to explain, its purple, violet and on her back its pure sapphire blue. she's so active its hard to grab photos of her at the right time and we just got 40" of snow, so she isn't seeing outside for some time. Once it warms up I will do some photos outside showing off those feathers lol
Lovejoy, you little...
you... you little...

that is one awesome looking Lory! his colors are amazing
Thank you, @jessem101! Lovejoy and Ember and BOTH stunning looking birds and I bet zey vould make ze beaauuuuutiful muzik togezzerrrrrr too!!❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥
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here she is at 5 Months of age..she is now 195 Grams, still flight training and learning other tricks. her poops have slowed down a bit..not as bad as when we first got her. she is still eating dry food in the cage and fruits/nuts and some veggies outside of cage. when its warm, she gets as much sun as possible, and she seems to be doing very well.

Some of the things that has have happened was her trying to get aggressive with Manolo, our DYHA...she saw him as a threat, and I was able to grab her before he decided to defend himself. She literally has no fear, so this is something to look out for with these Lorys. she is very friendly with the Humans, but she is definitely over protective. Something I need to try and train on, as I want her to be friendly as possible so if she goes into daycare, she will be more tolerable.

She also broke 2 tail feathers, at this age they are pretty clumsy so this can happen from time to time.

She also likes to sleep upside down at times, or on the floor of cage, something to expect with Lorys...especially if you do not have a bed for them to climb into. Personally I do not want to make a hideout, as it could encourage her to lay eggs. but I make sure it's nice and clean where she wants to sleep. Normally with parrots if they sleep at the bottom of the cage, its a sign of sickness, with Lorys, they are different, you will find them sleeping in odd locations and odd positions, its like an alcoholic that came home late and didn't bother hitting the bedroom lol

She still loves to play a TON! she will dance (added a video of her playing around in the kitchen) play with toy cars, dolls, whatever it is that she wants to do in terms of playing, she's on it lol

She is growing into her own, and definitely flourishing. She also had her first molt, found a bunch of small feathers at the bottom of the cage, and her new ones are growing in nicely. in the photos you can see some new pin feathers on the side of her face..and around her neck. So it took her about 5 months to ave her first molt.

Here is a short video of her playing and some updated photos:





here she is at 5 Months of age..she is now 195 Grams, still flight training and learning other tricks. her poops have slowed down a bit..not as bad as when we first got her. she is still eating dry food in the cage and fruits/nuts and some veggies outside of cage. when its warm, she gets as much sun as possible, and she seems to be doing very well.

Some of the things that has have happened was her trying to get aggressive with Manolo, our DYHA...she saw him as a threat, and I was able to grab her before he decided to defend himself. She literally has no fear, so this is something to look out for with these Lorys. she is very friendly with the Humans, but she is definitely over protective. Something I need to try and train on, as I want her to be friendly as possible so if she goes into daycare, she will be more tolerable.

She also broke 2 tail feathers, at this age they are pretty clumsy so this can happen from time to time.

She also likes to sleep upside down at times, or on the floor of cage, something to expect with Lorys...especially if you do not have a bed for them to climb into. Personally I do not want to make a hideout, as it could encourage her to lay eggs. but I make sure it's nice and clean where she wants to sleep. Normally with parrots if they sleep at the bottom of the cage, its a sign of sickness, with Lorys, they are different, you will find them sleeping in odd locations and odd positions, its like an alcoholic that came home late and didn't bother hitting the bedroom lol

She still loves to play a TON! she will dance (added a video of her playing around in the kitchen) play with toy cars, dolls, whatever it is that she wants to do in terms of playing, she's on it lol

She is growing into her own, and definitely flourishing. She also had her first molt, found a bunch of small feathers at the bottom of the cage, and her new ones are growing in nicely. in the photos you can see some new pin feathers on the side of her face..and around her neck. So it took her about 5 months to ave her first molt.

Here is a short video of her playing and some updated photos:





Oh I love these pics, and the video too, SO much bouncy lory energy!! But that assertiveness you're seeing from Ember towards your Amazon does not surprise me, to the best of my knowledge pretty much all lory species are like that. Even my tiny Lovejoy would probably want to take on your DYHA, cos lorikeets do not back down!!
Oh I love these pics, and the video too, SO much bouncy lory energy!! But that assertiveness you're seeing from Ember towards your Amazon does not surprise me, to the best of my knowledge pretty much all lory species are like that. Even my tiny Lovejoy would probably want to take on your DYHA, cos lorikeets do not back down!!
Omg I believe it! They are crazy LOL at first I was like...awww she wants to give him a kiss...wrong, she was like "back up" lmao Manolo was like "what is her deal man" lmao Lory's are seriously like honey badgers lol
to provide an update, she is now 1 years old~! she definitely has come into her own. She has her own personality. Now that she has turned one years old and fall weather has rolled in, she decided to get into her hormonal stage (not by her choice of course).

it started with her panic flying and trying to hide in dark areas. Then she got even more sinister, she coached my wife to pick her up just so she can bite her. Yes, she turned from the most friendliest parrot, sweetest parrot on earth, to an absolute beast lol.

So we kept her cage to a min, leaving one or two toys. keeping her in a room with less light, and completely cover her cage at night. feeding her veggies, and we dont take her out of the cage as much. I will attempt to take her out, and when she agrees, I just pet her on her head. She tries to spread her wings to encourage me to pet her belly, which then I put her back in her cage. It went from her wanting to jump out the cage to see me, to now she is resisting. She has yet to even get aggressive with me, but she growls, so then I give her her space. I have limited her time in her outside cage, as I am worried of her panic flying outside and I read too much sunlight encourages her hormones. either way I am trying to limit. It's weird, it was literally like a light switch! My amazon would get into his stages, but nothing like her..shes on another level lol. Her appt to get her wings clipped is coming soon. Just want her to relax a bit during these stages and dont want to aggravate her even more.

all her tail feathers grew back and she looks absolutely stunning! the white area around her eyes are now black and her eyes are like a gold color. once she breaks out of the hormonal stage, I will take more photos of her. she's still sweet with me, but man, she's definitely a different bird during the hormonal stages. Definitely something everyone owning parrots need to remember. But I am wondering with Lorys (since they are hyper as is) is it more pronounced considering? not certain. either way she's been a ton of fun. Its funny I see YouTube videos of black lorys when they are babies, but hardly any when they are mature adults lol

I have dealt with my Amazon during these stages, and I learned to leave him alone until he goes through it. However with my Amazon, he at least gives you signals, i.e. eye pinning, fluffing of feathers..with her, she gave no warning before attacking the wife. I have done my best to make sure she isn't a one person bird, but she definitely are showing signs of such. Once her hormones pass, I will get back to socializing and training.

that's the annual update of Ember. Shes still an absolute sweetheart with me, however, she can switch it up real quick when hormones kick in (with most parrots). My Amazon, he prefers to be with my daughter, so during spring, I have to be careful having him out when my daughter is around. I just need to learn how to spot ember early on and when it comes up. Hope this can help others who decide to purchase a black Lory and what to expect within the first year. I will only post updates here, if something significant goes on or if something major changes or happens or help answer any questions as needed.

to provide an update, she is now 1 years old~! she definitely has come into her own. She has her own personality. Now that she has turned one years old and fall weather has rolled in, she decided to get into her hormonal stage (not by her choice of course).

it started with her panic flying and trying to hide in dark areas. Then she got even more sinister, she coached my wife to pick her up just so she can bite her. Yes, she turned from the most friendliest parrot, sweetest parrot on earth, to an absolute beast lol.

So we kept her cage to a min, leaving one or two toys. keeping her in a room with less light, and completely cover her cage at night. feeding her veggies, and we dont take her out of the cage as much. I will attempt to take her out, and when she agrees, I just pet her on her head. She tries to spread her wings to encourage me to pet her belly, which then I put her back in her cage. It went from her wanting to jump out the cage to see me, to now she is resisting. She has yet to even get aggressive with me, but she growls, so then I give her her space. I have limited her time in her outside cage, as I am worried of her panic flying outside and I read too much sunlight encourages her hormones. either way I am trying to limit. It's weird, it was literally like a light switch! My amazon would get into his stages, but nothing like her..shes on another level lol. Her appt to get her wings clipped is coming soon. Just want her to relax a bit during these stages and dont want to aggravate her even more.

all her tail feathers grew back and she looks absolutely stunning! the white area around her eyes are now black and her eyes are like a gold color. once she breaks out of the hormonal stage, I will take more photos of her. she's still sweet with me, but man, she's definitely a different bird during the hormonal stages. Definitely something everyone owning parrots need to remember. But I am wondering with Lorys (since they are hyper as is) is it more pronounced considering? not certain. either way she's been a ton of fun. Its funny I see YouTube videos of black lorys when they are babies, but hardly any when they are mature adults lol

I have dealt with my Amazon during these stages, and I learned to leave him alone until he goes through it. However with my Amazon, he at least gives you signals, i.e. eye pinning, fluffing of feathers..with her, she gave no warning before attacking the wife. I have done my best to make sure she isn't a one person bird, but she definitely are showing signs of such. Once her hormones pass, I will get back to socializing and training.

that's the annual update of Ember. Shes still an absolute sweetheart with me, however, she can switch it up real quick when hormones kick in (with most parrots). My Amazon, he prefers to be with my daughter, so during spring, I have to be careful having him out when my daughter is around. I just need to learn how to spot ember early on and when it comes up. Hope this can help others who decide to purchase a black Lory and what to expect within the first year. I will only post updates here, if something significant goes on or if something major changes or happens or help answer any questions as needed.

Hi @jessem101, it's good to see you back, I was only thinking about you and the beautiful Ember just the other day :) Unfortunately I have experienced similar to you with my little Princess Lilly Pilly, the purple-crowned lorikeet whom I tragically lost in 2022. She went from this ...


.... to THIS ...


... in the blink of an eye, bang on when she turned 12 months old just like the textbook said she would!! Thankfully she was only a tiny little thing so she couldn't inflict *too* much damage, but she would attack me and bite and fly at my face literally from sun-up to sun-down all day every day for the six months of her breeding season every year! I had had a male purple-crown back in the 1990s and he was just the sweetest little thing, i had NO idea that the hens would be so different with this species but apparently they are. I actually read something online about purple-crowned hens that said they have been known to attack humans during their breeding season, and I was like "Don't I know it!!!" Hopefully Ember won't be as badly affected as poor Lilly was, but it sounds to me as though you're managing her very well :)
Hi @jessem101, it's good to see you back, I was only thinking about you and the beautiful Ember just the other day :) Unfortunately I have experienced similar to you with my little Princess Lilly Pilly, the purple-crowned lorikeet whom I tragically lost in 2022. She went from this ...

View attachment 61386

.... to THIS ...

View attachment 61385

... in the blink of an eye, bang on when she turned 12 months old just like the textbook said she would!! Thankfully she was only a tiny little thing so she couldn't inflict *too* much damage, but she would attack me and bite and fly at my face literally from sun-up to sun-down all day every day for the six months of her breeding season every year! I had had a male purple-crown back in the 1990s and he was just the sweetest little thing, i had NO idea that the hens would be so different with this species but apparently they are. I actually read something online about purple-crowned hens that said they have been known to attack humans during their breeding season, and I was like "Don't I know it!!!" Hopefully Ember won't be as badly affected as poor Lilly was, but it sounds to me as though you're managing her very well :)

This is great info!

and what is very interesting, every video, post, or whatever i see online in regards to black lorys, they stop immediately after they reach 1 year of age lol

I was expecting her hormones to kick right in. I just wasnt sure what type she will be. I will try and do my best to make sure she gets 12 hrs of sleep at min every day. try and get her back on track.

Thats awesome she would fluff her feathers to give you a warning, but with Ember...none lol now whats different is that she wont bite me at all, in fact she will back away from me, but with others, she will coach them to pick her up and lash out on their hands...i was like "oh no" So now when i let her out, her cage is in my office and i will have to close all doors to the office and i just hang out with her in there and put her back in after an hour or so, and i removed as much as i could in her cage that could potentially create a nest. I will provide some more updates if anything changes. I feel like this is important so if anyone is wanting to purchase a black lory, they can see realistic results, as a complete open book. Everywhere else i read, i cant find anyone posting anything past 1 years of age lol might be for a reason! which you and me have both experienced lol

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