Eggs update.


New member
Feb 17, 2014
Two green cheek conures Fruitloop and Hedwig and two budgies Baka and Pocky.
To start my birds are Weird. Tiki and Hotrod don't have separate nests they have a big communal nest with 11 -12 eggs in it. I have no idea which eggs belong to which mother and it was hard to count under there. ALL of the conures help with sitting and caring for the eggs. Though isaac, my other sisters conure who is only a year old, (im watching him because hes technically her husbands bird and hes away with army stuff for a while not much longer though supposedly) Is only aloud to sit on them at night. He does get to help petri feed Tiki and Hotrod.

The breeder i've been in contact with recommended i not move the eggs until they've hatched as it could be way to stressful on the parents and they could damage them. The unusual way their sitting their eggs doesn't help. I've got an emergency brooder set up just in case there are any issues with the babies and feeding. I've shut off the ac to that room so its warm and humid in there. I have had a refresher on hand feeding, i have an avian vet on standby I think i'm as ready as i can be. They should start hatching starting around the 15th. If they hatch at all . Wish me luck. When i start puling them ill get some pictures.
well at least you don't have to worry they will attack each other to defend their nest.
i would say you got a nice family there!!!i would love it if you would do regular updats when they hatch,and some picture now i you could?
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I got an accurate count of the eggs this evening 13 of them. if even half of them hatch Im going to have my work cut out for me in a few weeks ^^.

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